Where Did All the Tags Come From??

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*whistles* Aílean! Wanna do a tag with me?

Aílean: *appears around corner, doing her best not to look nervous* What's a tag?

It means you're special and I wanna spend time with you. Ready to answer some questions?

Aílean: Can I say no?

For every question you answer, I'll answer it too. Don't you like to find out more about people?

Aílean: Not really.

*blows raspberries* *side eyes Aílean hopefully* Nickname?

Aílean: *gives in* 'Leen or 'Leenie, mostly. Halych used to call me hùlyned because I'm so short.

Well hey, you've got two inches on me. Let's see if I can reckon up all my nicknames without forgetting any. Autumn, Vurty, Verity-o-flarity, Ver, Tolkien... yeah I forgot something in there. Oh yeah! We'ty.

Aílean: How do you get autumn and tolkien from Verity??

Well, it's kind of like I had an alias, so then people who met me under that alias started calling me the shortened form of it. That's Autumn. Tolkien is... more like an inside joke.

Aílean: *obviously zoning out* Whatever.

Yes, good plan. Eye color?

Aílean: ...

I know we're standing right in front of one another, but this is for the sake of the audience, all right?

Aílean: Why are you asking these questions?

*groan* Just be yourself and stop worrying, all right? Your Kenhelm bros love these things, and their dad is an old hand at it.

Aílean: *pauses* So... it's like a game?

That's a fantastic definition. *carefully avoids mentioning that Aílean is not in the alternate universe version where the Kenhelm boys have actually participated in tags*

Aílean: All right, my eyes are blue.

Kind of a violet blue.

Aílean: *huffily* Look, I thought you wanted me to answer these questions!

Ehehe. Got it. Okay so mine are, obviously, blue as well. Sea-blue, if you want to be poetic about it. Next question: hair color?

Aílean: *rolling eyes now* Brown.

Also brown. One random fact about you?

Aílean: I like horse jumping.

I'm having a really hard time coming up with anything, so... I have a small birthmark right in the middle of my right hand.

Aílean: Well, what's next?

Favorite color.

Aílean: Oh. That's... I've never thought about that. Seems like something Douglas would think about.

You can have more than one if you want. Mine are fuschia, canary yellow, most any blue, crimson, and... yeah that pretty much covers it.

Aílean: *raising eyebrows* Doesn't having that many favorite colors... I don't know, defeat the concept of favorite?

You're very argumentative. Any choices yet?

Aílean: I like maroon.

WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? MAROON? YOU CAN PICK ANYWHERE ON THE COLOR SPECTRUM AND YOU PICK MAROON? I'm sorry I'm sorry this is actually a good thing, you surprising me like this, carry on.

Aílean: Um... you carry on.

Oh yes. Favorite place.

Aílean: The road? I guess? No, I don't have a favorite place anymore. Even Ceristen isn't the same anymore – I know it can't be. There's nowhere exciting or comforting left to go.

I'm sorry T_T *I'm especially sorry you've been stuck in this dreary mode for like six months because I can't write but you don't need to know that* ANYWAY, favorite celebrity? In other words, your favorite really important person that everyone knows and talks about.

Aílean: You didn't have to tell me what a celebrity is.

I... I didn't?

Aílean: I honestly don't think I know any. King Henry isn't popular with anyone, although I think I like him (or at least I'm sorry for him), and the the king of Rodron may be popular, but I don't actually care two straws for him, and it feels like I've been talking to him for an inordinately long time.

*sweating slightly* Mhm. Okay, we'll drop the question and move on. What's your favorite animal?

Aílean: *blankly* Horse? Maybe?

I'm going to bail on this one if you don't mind...

Aílean: I don't. Didn't you also bail on the last one?

Yes. Favorite song?

Aílean: Dharí abh-Echerag. Eyes of a Dragon.

has given me a lot of good juicy info
Not that you'd know anything about that.
*coughs loudly* Favorite book?

Derek: *voice issuing from beyond the partition* Aílean, is that you? *appears around corner looking Severe* Who are you talking with? What are you doing over here?

Aílean: *snappishly* Talking with the author, for goodness' sake! What's wrong with that?

Derek: I didn't notice you telling anybody you'd be gone.

Aílean: Well, now you know, and how about leaving us in peace for the next thirty seconds?

*giggling clandestinely over Derek's jealous over-protectiveness* Um, Derek, why don't you go hunt or something. I promise not to kidnap Aílean while you're gone.

Derek: *retreats, muttering*

Aílean: Anyway, I haven't read many books. You didn't answer the last question, did you?

Let's just say that favorite questions and me don't get along. But if you want the last book that gave me a hangover, that was The Hero of Ages, which I finished last night.

Aílean: ... Are you saying you got drunk on a book?

Figure of speech. You can forgo this question, since I skipped more than my share already.

Aílean: Oh! Thank you. And for your hospitality; this was very pleasant.

*looks fondly after her* There goes a girl with aplomb and more guts than she even dreams.

Wouldn't have thought in a million years that I'd be doing a tag with her.

Guess I'll try tagging a couple people, even though this is a really basic tag.




EDIT: I forgot to mention I was tagged by

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