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The brunch had been the most uncomfortable thing Elina had ever attended. She felt like crawling under the table or sitting in a restroom stall for the remaining hours. Even when she asked if she could go to the restroom, Daniel had nodded and told one of his men to guide her. Elina blinked at him and didn't say anything, staying seated if she couldn't even go to the goddamn toilet alone. Elina ignored the obvious looks of the other men, she didn't show any kind of affection during the dinner, yet she had accepted when he placed his hand over hers. Mr. Gasly was the one who got her through this awkward brunch by subtly outing his support without anyone noticing. Maybe not everyone on this table was doing everything Mr. Ricciardo wanted. As soon as the car door closed, Elina's mood dropped miles down. And he noticed, but he didn't care.

They drove back to Mr. Ricciardo's apartment in complete silence and Elina locked her whole posture towards him, not looking at him once and her arms crossed over her chest. Her shoes became too uncomfortable and the only moment she uncrossed her arms was to take those heels off. "What are you doing?". It didn't even sound like a question, he simly demanded an answer. "Taking my shoes off, what does it look like?". Elina replied, taking the heels in her hand. "You're walking on bare feet. Put them back on. And I'd tone down that attitude if I were you". Mr. Ricciardo replied, however her jaw slacked and she waited till the car took a halt in front of the gigantic apartment. "Elina, put your shoes on". He said, a little louder now, but Elina jumped out of the car as soon as the door was opened for her.

"Come here!". He yelled as she walked ahead, on her barefeet over the smooth tiles that led to the front door, which was opened already. "Elina!". Mr. Ricciardo was quicker than her and grabbed onto her wrist. "Don't touch me!". She hissed, yanking her arm back with that much force that he almost let go. "You're making such a scene, get upstairs before I have to drag you there". Daniel dropped her wrist in a rough way and her eyebrows were furrowed together in anger when she looked over at the staff members that were shocked at the yelling they heard in the hallway. "Get back to work!". He shouted at them and they quickly made their way back to their positions. Elina was already at the top of the stairs when he followed her and she went into her room, throwing her shoes in the corner. She looked in the mirror while doing an attempt to take the heavy earrings out and she was interupted by Mr. Ricciardo who stormed after her.

"You have been acting nothing but disgraceful the whole day". He said, clearly angry with her. "I hope you recognized yourself in my behaviour". She bit back, having no idea where the courage came from. Elina gasped when she was pushed against the wall, her back hitting the hard background. She swore her jaw could break from how tightly he was holding it. His eyes were shifting over her face like an animal who couldn't decide where to dig its teeth in first. "In this house, you have everything you want. A closet full of clothes, boxes full of jewelry. The only thing I ask of you is the female elegance in you". He spat. "And you're being this ungrateful towards me. It's disgusting". "Ej dirst, I'm not a whore". [fuck you] Elina replied, attempting to push him away from her. "You're acting like one for sure". Elina was shut up by that comment, if there was something she hated, it was being called a whore.

"Are you going to kill me like the bad mafia guy you are?". Elina said, struggling to get the words out while the lump in her throat was hard to swallow and his hand was still locked around her jaw. "Drive a knife through my heart or a bullet through my brain? I don't care, because dying is something I can live happier with than staying by your side". She finished, the tears welling up in her eyes. The comment caused him to let her go and her hand immediately went to soothe the pain in her jaw. "I don't want to see you again today". Mr. Ricciardo said and the door boomed close, causing everyone outside to jump slightly. "What are you looking at?". He snarled. "She doesn't get out of her room today. Understand? Ignore all her pleads. Bring her dinner tonight in her room. I can't eat when someone like that is seated at the table as well". Mr. Ricciardo went downstairs afterwards, ignoring everyone who wanted to ask him something and going straight to his office.

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