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"Girasole?". Daniel asked while he walked over the first floor of the house, tying his tie meanwhile and he was looking for Elina to see if she was ready for the dinner they had this evening with his partner. "Pronta?". [Ready?] He muttered while peaking around the doors of her room and she was just brushing her hair over her shoulders while looking at her reflection in the mirror. She wore a gorgeous golden dress with a deep v-necked top, golden necklaces following the shape of the piece of clothing, but the sunflower was still around her neck too. It followed the curves of her body and pooled slightly around her feet, but it didn't drag over the floor as she was wearing heels. "You look breathtaking, cuore mio". Daniel praised, his fingertips feeling her soft strands falling down her back and she shivered when she felt his hands brushing over her bare shoulders when he pushed her hair over it. His lips wandered from her ear down the curve of her neck to her shoulder, lifting his head afterwards when she spritzed some of her perfume on her skin. "Handsome". Elina hummed while turning around to look at him.

He smiled in response when her hands flat on his chest straightened his button up. He didn't wear a jacket over it, but he still looked so casual and so handsome. "Mr. Ericsson and his wife are about to arrive". Daniel's hands moved down her spine to rest on her lower back. "Roberto has the whole kitchen staff working their maximum to serve the best dishes". He continued. "Great, I can't wait to eat something". Elina huffed and it made him chuckle, one of his hands under her chin lifting her face up to his so he could lean down and kiss her. Mr. Gasly knocked on the door, followed by Mr. Evans. "Excuse us, sir. Mr. Ericsson is here". Pierre said and he briefly smiled at Elina as she looked so beautiful. "Thank you very much. We're heading downstairs right away". Daniel replied and they nodded before walking away. Daniel's hand didn't move from its spot when they walked downstairs, waiting in front of the door as Mr. Ericsson and his wife Alexandra were escorted into the house. "Tack, Daniel, for the jet and the luxe ride". Marcus shook Daniel's hand with a wide grin.

The Swede had a nice vibe around him, looking rather down to earth in comparison to some others Elina had met. He turned to her when she silently stood next to Daniel. "The new addition". He smiled, sounding friendly when he shook her hand as well and leaned forward to kiss one of her cheeks. Alexandra followed, greeting Daniel before turning to her. "It's great to finally meet you, Elina". She said, sounding just as friendly as her husband. The women briefly hugged and kissed cheeks before parting. "I've heard a lot about you, even all in the way in Sweden". Alexandra giggled. "Oh, really?". Elina blushed a bit, watching her steps as they were guided to the spacious dining room. "Really". Alexandra confirmed with a smile. "They're all in awe with how beautiful you are and the good influence you have on Daniel". She explained and Elina just nodded, she had no idea they talked about her like that. "Well, if there only speaking good words about me". She smiled next before taking a seat next to Daniel at the dining table. The staff was quick to serve the first drinks, champagne glasses easily balanced on their plates before they were put on the table.

Appetizers followed and the atmosphere in the dining room was great. Elina chatted a bit with Alexandra as she told about how she had met Marcus. Elina learned that it was about the same story as hers, but she wasn't taken as harshly as she was. Alexandra explained that she had done modelling work and on a night, Marcus had paid a generous amount of money to make her stop modelling and come with him. It was forced for sure, but atleast she wasn't kidnapped. Alexandra wasn't surprised by the way Elina was taken either. The Italians handled things differently than the other mafia. It was nice to talk to someone who knew how it was to come into a strangers house and having to live their afterwards. Elina admired the couple, they truly looked like they loved each other a lot. When it was almost time for the desert, the men took off to get into Daniel's office and talk about business, that was the reason why Marcus came to Palermo after all. Alexandra and Elina went to the conservatory to sit there near the fireplace with their tiramisu.

Girasole - [Daniel Ricciardo]Where stories live. Discover now