[E P I L O G U E]

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"He's going to cry when he sees you, Elina". Caterina sighed when she looked at Elina getting into her wedding dress. Her hair looked gorgeous, her face looked beautiful, her dress was stunning. The whole picture was complete. Elina looked at herself in the mirror while the team of girls, stylists, hair dressers and makeup artists, twirled around her for the last finishing touches. Elina was quiet and it was because she was nervous. Part of her was emotional, two reasons why: her family wasn't there to witness her getting married to the love of her life and because she was getting married to the love of her life. Elina took a deep breath and smiled at Giada and Caterina, who were trying to hold in her tears as well. The stylists stepped away from her when everything was done and she took a moment to look at only herself. The person who stared back at her looked strong, beautiful and ready to be with her lover till death did them part.

Elina had a dream wedding. When they started planning, she wasn't sure what she wanted, so Daniel had been extravaganza, like he mostly was. He let teams of wedding planners come over to change the house into different themes, letting them decorate it completely as if it was their wedding and he let her be in it for a day to see if she felt like this was the one. Elina fell in love with the summer theme. The colors were bright, ordered from sunrise to sunset, it reflected positivity, it gave the feeling of a warm, nice start and that positive day was ended with a refreshing night-breeze, pastel colors from the sun sinking behind the sea. Friends and partners of Daniel had filled the garden, she could hear the chatter through the opened window in the room she was in. Her palms were a bit sweaty when she smoothed out her dress. "Just a couple minutes". One of the organizers smiled at Elina and she nodded. She stepped from the platform and turned to Giada and Caterina.

"You're the best bridesmaids I could ever wish for". Elina said and drew them close for a hug. "It was about time we became bridesmaids". Cate said. "Yeah, we've been here for six years without a wedding". Giada added and it made Elina laugh a bit. "Well, it looks like it's your big day as well". She said and pulled bag to stand straight up. "You should hurry up and get your ass married now, excuse my language, Mrs. Ricciardo". Mr. Norris peaked around the door and smiled at the girls. "You're right, Lando. Care to escort me down stairs?". Lando blushed at what she asked and he bowed gently for the new first lady of the house of Sicily. "Of course". He answered and offered her his arm to hold on to. Elina had asked Mitch to guide her to the altar, he was her loyal bodyguard after all and she knew him ever since she came to Palermo. "You look beautiful, Elina". Lando complimented her before handing her over to Mitch. Elina smiled and took a deep breath to control her nerves.

"You do". Mitch confirmed, pride swelling up in his chest that the bride had asked him to walk her to the altar. Elina curled her fingers around his arm, they all looked so handsome, yet she was sure Daniel would look the most handsome of them all. Music started when she walked onto the carpet that was rolled out in the garden, people stood up and turned to look at her. Daniel lifted his head, the times had passed too slowly and he was almost afraid that she had changed her mind, fled from the house and didn't want to he his wife anymore. His lips curled up in a smile while he watched her coming. Elina looked gorgeous. He bit his lip as he felt a lump in his throat and tears burning behind his eyes. Daniel wasn't going to hold his tears in either. He was so happy that she was going to be his Mrs. Ricciardo. Mitch stopped before the altar and let go of Elina so she could step up to get to Daniel

"Girasole...". He breathed. "Tu sei bellissima". Daniel spoke and she smiled at him, her eyes watery as well. The marriage officiant was ready to let them speak the vows and the couple took each other's hands. "Elina, when you trip over love, it is easy to get up. But when you fall in love, it is impossible to stand again". Daniel started. "I never thought I'd be able to fall in love, and then I fell. Hard". Elina smiled and swallowed hard to not start sobbing. "Today, I take my place as your husband. May our days be long, and may they be seasoned with faith, love understanding and respect forever and ever. Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives. I choose to spend today, and all of my tomorrows, with you". People clapped when Daniel was done and Elina took a moment before she spoke up, not trusting her voice before. "Daniel, you were the kind of person I wouldn't want to spend time with. You were also the person that just had walls that needed to be crushed. I'm glad we tried long enough to find a way to break through each other, it gave me the best time of my life and so much more is yet to come".

Daniel smiled down at his wife, pulling her a little closer, her hands resting on his chest while he held her by her lower back. "I feel so safe whenever you hold me, I feel loved when you kiss me and I feel like I'm the only woman in the world when you look at me. Even when the butterflies stop flying around in my stomach, those feelings will never fade away. When the butterflies die, love blossoms even more. I'm more than happy that I'm becoming your wife today". Everyone was clapping once more, some emotional and moved from their vows. "Daniel Ricciardo, do you take Elina Dombrovskis to be your wedded wife and do you, Elina Dombrovskis, take Daniel Ricciardo to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do you part". Elina smiled widely up at her husband. "I do". Was audible in unison. Daniel squeezed her skin softly, not able to stop smiling either. "I now pronounce you husband and wife!". Daniel's hand moved to her face, taking a moment to look at his beautiful wife.

He leaned forward to kiss her, his heart poured out against her lips. Elina felt a bit breathless when they parter, her eyes still watery. "I've sat too long in front of the mirror to cry my makeup off like this". She giggled and Daniel laughed. "Come, let's go and party!". He pulled on her hand to take her down the altar and into the house. The music started, people got their drinks and something to eat, the atmosphere rose even more and they were in great company. Daniel took Elina's hand once more to pull her into his chest. When she looked over at the stage, musicians climbed onto it, carrying cello's and other instruments, a surprise for her as well. Goosebumps rose upon her skin when the cello's played the first notes of Nothing Else Matters. Daniel held her in his arms to start their dance, the people quiet around them, some filming and others just looking. Elina looked up at him while he gazed down at her. "I love you". She whispered. Daniel smiled and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Life is ours, we live it our way, princess. I love you and nothing else matters".

A/N: That was really the end guys. Sorry if it felt soon to some, but please don't forget I write relatively big chapters with high wordcount to write big plots. Writing more chapters without "anything" happening didn't sound ideal to me either, so that's why I decided to end it here.

I hope you loved this story as much as I loved writing it. Thank you for all the votes, comments and feedback. See ya next time! 💗

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