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Daniel woke up from the rain that was still tapping against the windows, the daylight shimmering through the curtains. Elina had turned to her other side in her sleep and he propped himself up on his elbow to look at her. Her hair was sprawled out all over the pillow, the sheets tucked under her arm and held against her chest. Daniel heard her soft breathing and he lifted his hand to trail his fingers up her spine. Her skin that was uncovered felt cold and his arm curled around her waist to push her into him. Elina hummed in her sleep, content with the warmth that was suddenly heating up her back. He dropped some kisses on the curve of her neck and she started to wake up now. "Let me sleep". She muttered, causing him to laugh. "Most women love it when they're woken by sweet, loving kisses". Daniel replied and she snorted. "I'm not one of "most women'". Elina protested.

Daniel smiled and looked at her when she rolled over to him, her sparkling blue eyes opening to look back at him. She sighed and skipped her hands over his muscled body, eventually snuggling into his chest again. Elina easily started to doze off once again. He had promised her she could go shopping, but at the moment she rather stayed in bed. It was still raining after all and nothing was better than staying in a warm bed while it was raining. Daniel traced the skin of her hip meanwhile, feeling her soft breath on his chest. He studied the gentle marks he had left on her neck, knowing she'd be able to cover them up if they went out later tonight. The necklace was still shining around her neck and he couldn't wait for the others at home to see what he had given her.

"Elina...". Oh, she loved it when he said her name. She peaked at him through one eye. "I need to go". He said and she nodded. "Okay". Elina replied and took the sheets completely to turn to her other side again. "Elina Dombrovskis. You surely are something". Daniel said and he heard her laugh as he pulled the duvet back and hovered over her, feeling her silky legs curl around his hips, just like last night. Her bare upper body was exposed to him  meanwhile, but she didn't feel the need to cover herself up. "Are you going to stay here?". He asked and she nodded with a yawn. "I'll wait to you get back". Elina replied. "Mr. Evans can take you anywhere if you want to go outside for a bit". Daniel said, caressing her cheek. She nodded again and just looked up at him. God, she was so beautiful. He leaned forward and pressed a single kiss to her lips he before he got off her and stood up.

Elina curled up under the sheets and watched him while he got dressed and styled his hair with some wax. He adjusted his tie in the mirror and made sure his suit was neat. He collected his phone and his watch, locking the Rolex back around his wrist. "Ciao, Girasole". Daniel said before moving out of the door. Elina turned to face the windows that were still covered by the curtains, however she didn't fall back asleep. She just laid there and thought about the previous day. It had been a rollercoaster when she had seen Marta and Daniel had been very angry with her. Then they made up and he tried to get her into bed, however she didn't gave in immediately. Daniel had done his obvious best to apologize to her as well, the necklace around her neck was beautiful and he had finally opened up towards her about his life and his business. She felt like she should fear him or he afraid of the people he was dealing with, but somehow a safe feeling filled her up.

After a couple more hours of just laying in bed and eventually just dozing off a couple times, Elina got out of bed and covered her naked body with her robe before moving to the door. "Mitch?". She asked and the guard looked up at her. "Elina". He said. "I didn't assume we were on the first name stage already". Mr. Evans chuckled. "After yesterday I think we're there". Elina replied and he nodded with a small smile. "Is there anything I can do for you?". Mitch asked straight away, the orders from his boss had been very clear. Do everything she wants. Except getting her on a plane to Latvia. Obviously. "Can you get me some breakfast? And yourself if you haven't eaten yet". Elina said. "I'm afraid you'd have to come along". Mitch replied, a gentle frown on his face as he couldn't leave her along. Elina sighed with a roll of her eyes. "I'm sure I can't go anywhere. The staff is probably informed that 'the woman alongside Mr. Ricciardo isn't allowed to leave the hotel'. I even dare to say there are snipers on the roof to shoot me in the legs if I try to run. I'm hungry Mitch, can you just get something to eat?".

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