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"Team 2, this is team 2, over". The monitor that hung on Daniel's belt croaked with the voice of one of he helicopter teams and he rushed to take it off and push the button. "It's Ricciardo, over". He replied. "We have found a villa, it's probably Mr. Gasly's, but we aren't sure". One of the men said. "Don't wait, let's get over there". Daniel said, forgetting the 'over' part, but he was quick to motion the other guys to get to the helicopter as well. The searching team had been searching over Rouen and whole Paris yesterday and today and it seemed like it was finally paying off. Daniel sat down next to the pilot who took off from the platform when everyone was inside of the helicopter. "Where do you want me to land, sir?". The pilot asked when Daniel pushed his headphones over his ears. "I don't care if you put it on the grass or on top of his roof. Put it down so I can collect Elina and we can leave again". He snarled and the pilot curtly nodded before getting off the ground.

Daniel's knee bumped up and down and his hand moved under his jacket to make sure the extra ammunition he brought was still there sticking to his chest with tape. He took his gun from its holster and checked if it was loaded. Max and Mitch in the back exchanged a look before checking the same things. The dark night sky didn't give away a lot, but the infra red heating camera that was accommodated to the helicopter showed a gathering of people down somewhere. The pilot communicated with the others to decide where to land, but they suddenly heard gunshots in the background. Team 2 shouted over the radio that it would be save to land on the right side of the house. "Jump out, we have ropes and harnesses". Mitch suggested in the back, throwing them Max' way as well as Daniel's. Daniel climbed into the back, not hesitating to secure the harness around himself and throw the rope down the helicopter. "We'll find a place to land. Max can go with you". Mitch waved them away and held the rope tightly so Daniel could drop down to the roof of the villa.

It was windy and unsteady, but at these moments Daniel didn't think about how Mitch could let the rope slip through his fingers and he'd fall meters down. All he thought about was saving Elina and being able to hold her in his embrace again. Max followed as Mitch had tied the rope onto the helicopter to help him hold onto to it and it carried their weight while they moved towards the roof. Daniel softly let himself drop on it, helping Max to get down as well. The two kneeled down and screwed the silencers on their guns. "Everyone who belongs to his staff, shoot them". Daniel instructed and Max nodded. "Including Pierre?". He asked and Daniel halted before he moved to the balcony below the window. "No". He gritted. "I want that bastard for myself". Daniel said and held onto the ridge of the roof to let himself hang on it before softly landing on the balcony. The door was on ajar and they were lucky with that, else they'd have to break a window to get in and that would definitely pull attention. Daniel waited for Max before silently motioning he'd take the left side of the room.

Max spoke into his earpiece that they were entering the house, another team was ready as well and they opened the door. The room was empty, a messy table in the middle with some half empty and some full bottles of whiskeys and other alcoholic beverages. Daniel checked around the corner too, the bathroom belonging to the room empty as well. Max nodded towards the door that led them further into the house, his gun firmly in front of him. Daniel followed and they peaked around the door. Daniel pushed Max against the wall to hide for the guard that was about to walk passed and they kept quiet while he passed. Daniel sneaked out of the room and pulled the guard back by his neck, taking him out in a split second and quietly laying him down on the floor. Max and Daniel checked the hallway and every corners, taking out three more before they checked other rooms. This floor was quite empty, so they needed to move lower.

The stairs were risky business. They were wide and open and if more of Gasly's men where on the ground floor, they wouldn't be able to take it all with just them two. Max quietly communicated to ask the others to move to the ground floor as well. Daniel and Max remained at the top of the stairs as they heard some laughter. "She's so needy, it's unbelievable". The voice said. Pierre. Daniel's jaw clenched and he'd rather sprint down the stairs right now to put a bullet through his brain. Pierre walked back into the room where Elina was as well, some of his men at the table and keeping an eye on her. She was shaking with need for the drug, her forehead sweaty and her eyes watery and bloodshot. "Mon amour...". Pierre sighed, caressing his face. "Just a bit more patience". He kissed her forehead while Elina could only whimper in response. She wasn't seeing straight from how long he had kept the Heroin away from her. Elina needed the relief and the calm to wash over her with a shot of the drug into her bloodstream.

"Sir!". One of his men came into the room in a rushed pace. "Intruders in the house!". They all stood up and got their weapons ready. "I'll take Elina. You kill them all". Pierre snarled and hoisted Elina up by her arm. He dragged her through the hallway while his other hand carried his gun. "Pierre, stop". Elina whined, barely able to keep up with his pace. "Shut up". He hissed and took her up the other stairs to get to the escape route. He took a left in the large hallways of the house and he stood still when heb saw Daniel and Max standing there. Pierre shot a few bullets to scare them off and ran further, not looking if they followed or not. He ran to the room where they had entered the building as well, dragging Elina to the balcony. "Climb over the balustrade". He commanded. "Now!". He barked at her and Elina was shaking with fear of what was happening. She heard gunshots in the house and her eyes flickered between Pierre's mad eyes and the weapon in his hand. "Please, don't hurt me". She begged, instead she received a harsh slap in her face.

So much for 'I'll never hurt you', he was the biggest liar she had ever met. "You need to listen to me and you won't get hurt". Pierre gritted through his teeth, pushing her through the doors of the balcony, yet he was quick to pull her back to his chest when two of Daniel's men jumped in front of them, coming from the roof. Elina fought against the tight grip he had on her waist, but she was like a rag doll hanging so weakly in his arms. She whimpered when the barrel of his gun was pressed against her chin when he turned around to see if he could go the other way, but more armed men filled the room, ready to shoot if needed. Elina started to cry when she saw Daniel, not wanting him here and get him injured. "Pierre". He breathed, his gun clenched between his fingers. "Let her go". He calmly spoke, but it only made Pierre secure the gun against her head. "Let us go and she'll stay alive". Pierre's voice was shaky, as if he was somewhat afraid too. "I thought you loved her, Pierre". Daniel said now. "If I can't have her, nobody can". Pierre replied.

"You can Pierre, but she needs to go home". Daniel spoke, a bit more stern this time. "You need to go home". "I am home". Pierre hissed. "And so is she". His eyes glanced between the men he had worked with before, who didn't look like they'd hesitate to pull the trigger. Elina had been quiet as they talked, her hands still curled around his arm and wanting to push him away. Pierre's hand lowered a bit, but he still had the gun pressed to her shoulder. "Come on, man. She's shaking with fear". Charles spoke up, lowering his weapon to indicate he only wanted to get Elina back. "No". Pierre snarled again. Elina could sense he was startled by the movement of more men lowering their guns and she used the moment to wrap her fingers around his and pulled the trigger of the gun. Pierre fell back against the wall, groaning loudly as the pain bit through his shoulder, blood starting to stain his shirt. Daniel rushed forward to catch Elina before she could fall down. "Take him. We need to get back to Jev's right now". Daniel said and lifted her up.

"Daniel...". Her voice was soft and her eyes were filled with tears of the pain of the bullet. "Ssh, we're going home, angel". Daniel shushed her, holding her head against his chest. More of Pierre's troops began to fire at them while they ran through the house to get out. Daniel protected her with his body, rushing outside to get to the helicopter again. He jumped inside and held the door open for Max, Mitch and Charles. Sebastian and Antonio had taken the other helicopters, one of them having Pierre with them, who was defeated and bloody in their arms. As soon as the shooting had stopped and they were flying away from the place of horror, Daniel laid her down between the chairs of the military helicopter and took of his jacket, tearing her shirt open and pressing it to the wound to keep the bleeding in control. Elina was still shaking and she didn't hear everything clearly. She fought against her heavy eyelids, her fingers finding Daniel's hand. "Stay with me, Elina, we're almost there". Daniel carressed her face. Charles took her arm and laid it aside, pointing at the small needle wounds.

He gently took her face to look at her pupils, who were normal when she had her eyes opened. Her forehead was heated and warm, sweat all over her body. "Heroin". The Monegasque spoke. "They got her addicted to drugs". He added. Daniel clenched his jaw, not wanting to spill any words on the Frenchman who did this to her. "She needs medical help for her shoulder first". He curtly said. "It was quite a smart move". Max filled in. "Smart, but also dangerous". Daniel said. "Shooting herself to get rid of him". He shook his head with a scoff, holding her head in his lap. "Come on, baby. Keep your gorgeous eyes open". His thumbs rubbed over her face and she melted at the feeling of the familiar touch. But the pain was almost too much to bear. Her eyelids fluttered and she just had to close them. Just for a moment. She faintly heard Daniel wanting her to stay with him, in the distance the sounds of the helicopter sounded, however she ignored them as she sunk away in her own world, where she didn't feel any pain.

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