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A/N: Sorry for making Pierre look like the asshole now 😩

Elina her head felt heavy when she opened her eyes, the faint light in the room, or wherever she was, was hurting her pupils and she turned her face away. She panicked the moment she wanted to breathe in deeply through her mouth and she couldn't suck in any fresh air at all, a piece of tape covering her mouth. Elina squirmed as the rushed breathing then went through her nose and she tried to calm her raging heart that hammered against her ribcage. She tried to focus on where she was, trying to focus on what she remembered and how she ended up here. Right, the dinner evening with Daniel and Mr and Mrs. Ericsson, she watched the night while waiting for Daniel on the balcony to celebrate the new deal he had made, but Daniel never came. Instead, Pierre showed up, starting the small talk she didn't mind at first, until it became weird. He had injected her with some kind of numbing liquid, making her feel as if she was paralyzed and she had lost consciousness when falling into his arms. Elina closed her eyes as she regained her normal breathing pattern and she noticed her ankles were tied, as well as her wrists when she tried to pull her arms from behind her back.

The position she was in was very uncomfortable, her shoulders started to ache and her hands could barely get any blood as she was laid on her back. Elina used all of the strength in her small body to sit up. She was seated on something soft, actually. It was a bed, creamy white sheets and fluffy pillows at the had. The bedroom was dimlighted, but enough for her to see a desk in the corner, a couple closets against the wall. The room was very unpersonal. Nothing of the interior showed a characteristic or something typical to the describe someone who lived her. Elina's eyes widened when the door handle moved down, the door creaking a small bit when it opened and someone looked inside. She didn't recognize the man, but he only looked at her and then called something over his shoulder in French. "Elle est réveillée, monsieur Gasly". [She is awake, sir Gasly]. Elina leaned a bit forward in hope the ache in her lower back would fade awake, but her other limbs were hurting as well. It took a couple seconds before the door opened wide and Pierre walked inside, wearing the same suit as yesterday evening, or a couple hours earlier, she had no idea how much time had passed by.

"Mon amour...". He sighed, not knowing how she could still be so beautiful with tape over her mouth and ropes tied around her limbs. Pierre moved to the curtains first, shoving them open and it made Elina squint her eyes at the lurid light. She whimpered softly when he sat down on the bed, but she couldn't crawl away from him so quickly. "I'm not the one you need to be afraid of, Elina". Pierre said, looking into her bright eyes and his hand moved to caress her face, but she flinched in response. He still touched her, as if he didn't noticed she was getting more afraid within the second. Pierre pulled the tape away from her mouth, his thumb moving over her dry lips and Elina pulled her head back. She could see he was getting a bit annoyed by the constant distance he wanted to create. "Do you want some water?". He asked and she nodded softly, not sure if it was a trap or a joke. To her surprise, Pierre demanded to the man at the door that he needed to get her something to drink and soon enough he returned with a bottle of water. Since her hands were still tied together, Pierre turned the cap of the bottle and tilted her chin so she could drink from it. Elina was glad she had something to wet her dry throat.

She swallowed it along with the bad taste she had in the back of her throat. Her makeup probably stained all over her face. She felt her skin being greasy and oily with the products that haven't been washed off yet. Elina would ask if she could shower at least, but she didn't want to speak to this man at all. She wanted to go back to Daniel, where she felt safe and loved. "Where are we?". She decided to ask, her voice a bit raspy. Pierre chuckled lightly, studying her face. "A better place than Palermo". Was all he answered. "You need to get a bath, Elina". He changed the subject and before she could protest, she was lifted up from the mattress and carried through the house to get to the bathroom. The house was spacious, the same size as Daniel's, but this one didn't feel like a home at all. Pierre muttered something to the man who was standing outside of the door and she heard the twisting of the key in the lock. Her eyes filled with tears, but she didn't want him to see it. Elina didn't want to give him the pleasure of her fear. Pierre saw it nonetheless when he put her down on the edge of the bath that was filled with lukewarm water. He took her face in his hands again, drying her tears.

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