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      "Hey, princess". Elina softly heard his voice when her eyelids fluttered. She felt dizzy when she looked into the dimmed lights on the ceiling and she realized she still wasn't in her own room or in Daniel's room. She remained in her position when she adjusted to the light, taking a deep breath afterwards, however it hitched in her throat as she felt the stinging pain cutting through her shoulder. Right. She had shot herself to take Pierre down. The pain made her regret her decision, but when she slightly tilted her head to look at Daniel next to her bed, she didn't regret anything at all. His hand reached out to caress her pale face. She had lost weight due to the heroin that was constantly in her bloodstream. The medical team at Jean Eric's headquarters in Paris said she'd struggle later on as her body was so used to being high on the drug. Her cheekbones were pointier than normal and her legs were skinnier. Her skin had lost its glow and it nearly made his eyes prickle with tears at what Pierre had done to his little angel.

"Do you want something to drink?". Daniel asked and she nodded, her throat too dry to reply something. He gently helped her to sit more up, fluffing up the pillows behind her back so she could take the glass from him. Elina's hands were trembling when she took the glass out of his, yet she almost dropped it straight away and it made him hold it for her while she moved it to her lips. Elina was glad she could drink some water and she almost drank the complete glass before letting him put it on the stand next to her bed again. "Daniel. I-...". She started, her lower lip quivering as her heaven hues filled with tears. "We'll talk later, babe". Daniel shook his head as he caressed her sweaty forehead. "Your health is more important now". He stated while she leaned into his touch. "You're safe". He muttered, his fingertips moving through her hair as she nodded, but it didn't keep the tears from falling out of her eyes. Daniel moved to sit next to her and cradled her into his chest while she cried. Her shoulders were shaking with the sobs and his heart broke at seeing her like this.

At home, in Sicily, Elina would get help with a medical plan to kick off the heroin. She wanted nothing more than that. She felt disgusting how her body wanted more and more of it. The amount of time that had passed without having a dose of heroin made her feel uneasy and restless, as if she needed to do something before it was too late. Her pulse was quite high too and Daniel had been worried about it, however the doctors had said fear, feeling restless, blown pupils and a high blood pressure was normal when trying to kick off heroin. The second and the third day were going to be the worst ones and after a week she'd slowly feel relief. So much had happened in the past few weeks and Daniel hoped she'd feel at ease and safe back in Sicily. Before they went home, he was getting rid of Pierre. He didn't want her to know what he was going to do, he didn't want to make her more upset than she already was, cause he knew that, even though Pierre had caused so much damage to her, she'd never be able to kill him or see him getting killed.

"Bonjour". A doctor softly knocked on the door before entering her room. "Elina is allowed to have some morphine against the pain in her shoulder, she'll be brought to the hangar afterwards and you can fly home safely". He informed and Daniel nodded, taking some distance to give him space. The morphine was added to the empty bag and Daniel could see it was indeed only a little bit. Elina held onto him tightly when the needle pricked through her skin. "It's okay". Daniel muttered while he kissed her forehead. "We're going home now". He smiled gently while she looked up at him.

Daniel lifted her up from the bed and helped her getting dressed, draping one of his sweaters over her body and pulling her hair from under it. "I'll meet you in the plane, baby. Mitch and Max will stay with you". He said while cupping her face and she nodded. Elina warmed up at the kiss he pressed to his lips, tender and sweet like they always were. Mitch stood in the doorway when the two were together, a smile on his face as well. Elina pulled away from Daniel and made her way to the guard that had been faithful the whole time and she surprised him by wrapping her arms around his waist. Mitch briefly stiffened, but he soon hugged her tightly back, glad she trusted him just as much as she trusted Daniel. His hand moved to the top of her shoulders to guide her with him through the hallway and to the elevator, guiding her all the way up to the heli platform where they'd leave to the hangar and take off with the jet. "What is Daniel doing?". Elina asked, looking up at Mitch and Max. "Handling things with Mr. Vergne. He was kind enough to help with the searching for you". Max explained and Elina nodded, looking down at her feet.

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