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She watched from the back of the crowd as both of the Twins moved with a fluidity and grace she had never seen before

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She watched from the back of the crowd as both of the Twins moved with a fluidity and grace she had never seen before. They moved in time with the music perfectly. The one with the long hair seemed to dance with his entire body while the other seemed to focus more on foot work and hand gestures. Her dark eyes narrowed, focusing more in the two. Their caramel skin glistened faintly with sweat, shimmering almost like gold beneath the flickering light of the torches that surrounded the perimeter of the circle they danced in. The beating of the drums seemed to echo with the thudding of her pulse and she found herself swaying slightly in place. Her dark eyes shifted the moment the twin with the longer hair turned his focus in her direction. It was almost as if he had sensed the rise of her heartbeat, or had caught her scent on the gentle breeze that floated by. She had caught the raw passion in his gaze as he gave himself over  to the music and it didn't fade as he made his way towards her, parting the crowd as he danced between people to get to her.

"You are too lovely to be hiding back here." His deep voice echoed with the allure of Paris and she found her mouth nearly going dry at the sound of its sensual purr. He held his hand out towards her and she caught a glimpse of the long fingers encased in various rings that looked damn expensive. As she slid her delicate fingers into his awaiting palm, she could feel the daggers that some of the other women in the crowd  were stabbing in her direction. The jealousy was nearly palpable.

"What is your name, mon ami?" She almost hadn't realized he had spoken again.

"Amanda." She replied, nearly letting out a squeal when he unexpectedly spun her and pulled her closer towards him at the same time. One hand gripped her hip possessively while the other held hers. One of his long legs nestled sensually between thighs and she could feel the heat of him against her,  burning between them like lava.

"I do not know how to dance." She warned him, finally realizing the position he had placed them in.

"I will teach you. Relax and let your body follow mine."

Dear Lord above, either that was a hidden innuendo behind those words, or her imagination was getting the better of her. She was betting more on the latter. She swallowed a bit nervously and nodded once.

"Do not take your eyes off mine." Was it her or did his words sound a bit more demanding that time? Either way it had a shiver shooting straight down her spine.

"Why me?" She asked, her gaze searching his for some unspoken answer.

He merely smiled down at her. Amanda had never seen anyone make something as simple as a smile look that damn sexy before. She watched in fascination as he hummed softly and let his tongue slip past his lower lip briefly before the edges of his teeth scraped across its surface. And she had thought that the smile was sexy? Her knees nearly turned to jello after watching him bite his lip.

"The look in your eyes when you watch me." He finally replied, ducking his head a bit closer towards her ear. "You watch me with such raw desire, how could I not choose you?"

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