Paralyzed Part 2 (Larry)

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Author's Note: This is actually coming out longer than I originally intended. I'm a Lau girl myself, but Lar has his own cute appeal and apparently he has been secretly pulling me in his direction without my knowing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this part. Next one should be coming soon. Happy reading!

Now what was she supposed to say to that? Hell if she knew. Amanda gave a soft sigh, but nodded once in affirmation.

"Alright, Lar. I am willing to trust you at your word but I warn you now, I am not the type that tends to give second chances once I'm hurt. I've done too much in the past and paid for it dearly. I don't want to go through that again if I can help it. I know things happen, situations change, but once I'm in a relationship, I'm in it for keeps. We can take it a day at a time and see where it leads."

"Fair enough, belle. The last thing I want to do is hurt you." He toyed with her fingers absent minded as the limo took them to their destination. His rings clinked softly as he glanced down at the differences between their skin tones. She was so pale that she was nearly translucent, but the milky white complexion enraptured him. "What do you enjoy doing?"

At first his question had almost caught her off guard, but it was an honest and innocent enough one. It wouldn't hurt to answer it.

"Lots of things that most people would more than likely be afraid of." She replied cryptically. But she continued before he could press further. "The dark and gothic side of things has always appealed to me. I remember being four years old and wanting to research ghost, vampires, demons. Anything supernatural that I could get my hands on. I have a passion for writing and will almost always been seen writing something on my laptop or my phone as an idea strikes me. Music inspires a lot of what I write. I suppose you could say that I'm an artist in some way."

"Not all art is simply drawing and painting."

"Correct. What you and your brother do; the dancing, that is art as well. I enjoy watching you. It fascinates me the way you make your body move."

"You haven't seen anything yet, bebe."

A blush crept up the back of her neck, but she choked it back with a rather convincing cough.

Jesus God this man...


She was saved from further conversation as the limo pulled up in front of a rather packed and seemingly popular restaurant in the heart of New York. The name eluded her as the door was opened by the driver and Larry slid out first, holding a hand back into the car for her to take. A gentlemanly gesture that she hadn't seen nor experienced in quite some time. The heat of his skin came in contact with hers as she slid her hand into his grasp. The moment they touched, she felt a surprisingly sharp jolt lance straight through her. All nervous flutters evaporated and it felt to her as if she had known this man for years rather than simply a handful of hours. A glance in his direction had her heart stopping as he glanced down at her with such an intense look that it made her knees weak. She watched, enthralled as he bit his lower lip in such a way that had her mouth running dry.

"If you keep looking at me like that, Larry, you're going to be the one in trouble and quite frankly, I'm starving

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"If you keep looking at me like that, Larry, you're going to be the one in trouble and quite frankly, I'm starving." She added with a rather amused and sheepish grin.

He chuckled softly, sliding his larger fingers between hers, holding her hand as they navigated through the growing crowd.


They made more conversation over dinner, each one learning about the others likes and dislikes. Their goals, ambitions and pet-peeves. For once, in a very long time, Amanda was enjoying the company and having a wonderful time. It was growing late but she wasn't quite ready to part ways, though they were both staying in the same hotel.

"I am having a wonderful time with you, Lar." He heard her admit as a comfortable silence passed between them.

Slowly, he bit his lower lip, dragging the edges of his bunny teeth over it as if he was contemplating devouring her right there on the table. Strange thing was that he had been thinking of doing just that...

She was driving him crazy! And she didn't even realize it!

"I am enjoying it as well, belle. You are an amazing woman."

She smiled, a slight pull of the left corner of her mouth and this time he was the one who felt his mouth run dry. That smirk!

"Do you realize how tempting you are, Amanda?"

The use of her name caught her off guard. He always managed to call her by some kind of endearment but the sound of her name off of his lips...

She wanted him...

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked, dumbly, almost as if she hadn't heard him clearly.

Larry smiled, but there was something devious with the gesture that had her heart racing a mile a minute. "Would it be alright if I joined you on your side of the table, belle?"

She arched a brow, but nodded, offering a small smile. "Sure." She knew for certain that he had called her a temptation but why was he avoiding answering? She watched him stand from his side of the private booth they occupied and made his way over towards her, sliding in with graceful ease beside her. There was a faint jingle of chains from his jeans as he shifted even closer. He reached up and traced the tip of his index finger along the line of her jaw, his gaze set intensely on her lips now void of any makeup. He knew immediately that once he tasted her, he wasn't going to be able to stop. With just his fingertip, he tilted her head towards him just before he swooped in for the kill.

She managed a slight intake of breath before the scalding heat of his lips claimed hers. And that's exactly what it was, claiming. This was no chaste kiss, no, this was a possessive, sensual gesture that sent her blood on fire. He was staking his claim and for the life of her, she couldn't think of one single reason as to why she shouldn't just let it happen. His head tilted, further deepening the kiss as the taste of her assailed his senses. Amanda reached out automatically, curling her fingers around the nape of his neck. It was almost as if she was anchoring herself for the inevitable fall that was sure to follow.

"Mon Dieu, you taste so good, bebe."

His words hit her like a freight train, her breath hitching in her throat as her mind immediately flashed to what else he could do with that mouth of his. His lips had brushed against hers as he spoke, further heightening her desire for him. She was nearly paralyzed with want, no need for him. She ached in ways she never thought possible, craving the intimacy, but it was too soon. Wasn't it? A question with no definitive answer.

To be continued...

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