Paralyzed Part 1 (Larry)

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Amanda squinted behind a pair of dark, expensive Ray Bans. She held her hand up to block out the sunlight that seeped over the top of the back metal rims. The hood of her black zip-up was pulled over her head in hopes of further toning down the sun's harsh glare. The phases of the moon stood out in white across the rim of the hood and down along the arms of each sleeve.

"Why have you been following me?" Came her soft inquiry to the man that now stood beside her at the quaint little cafe just a few blocks down from her hotel. They looked like two people simply waiting for the cross-walk light to change so they could cross to the opposite side of the busy city street. She did not need to look in order to know who stood beside her. She had caught the wiff of an expensive cologne and she could almost feel the scorching heat of his presence. There was no guessing as to why everyone would call him Blaze. His aura alone practically burned anyone in its path. She finally turned her gaze in his direction. He was just as beautiful as his brother. High-sculpted cheek bones and fully, deliciously sinful lips. The differences between them were still there even though they were Twins. Larry's hair was shorter, but she noticed that he had also adopted the same twisted style. She watched as his lips pulled back in a boyish grin that flashed the cute, bunny style front teeth.

 She watched as his lips pulled back  in a boyish grin that flashed the cute, bunny style front teeth

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"My brother and I saw you at our workshop but you merely watched." He made it a statement rather than a question. It wasn't an accusation, but an observation.

She arched a single brow behind her glasses. "Yes. I really don't think that anyone there would enjoy watching me dance. I have serious white girl rhythm." She turned her focus back onto the cross-walk signal and was about to take a step when it changed when she felt the blazing pressure of his fingers lightly clasping her wrist.

"I could teach you." He offered, still managing to keep that boyish charm in place. His other hand moved up towards her face, pushing back the hood so it fell against her shoulders. Even during the workshop, she had stood in the corner of the dance studio with that damned hood up and her arms crossed over her stomach. If he hadn't seen the passion in her eyes as she had watched the others dance he would have thought she was mean-mugging the entire crowd.

"Why?" She asked with a faint snort that Larry found adorable. She watched cautiously as he slowly pulled the sunglasses down off of her eyes. She kept them closed against the sudden blinding glare of the sun.

"Look at me, belle." His thick French accent becoming more pronounced as his voice dropped lower. When she finally opened her eyes, he was captivated by the near flowing liquid brown of her eyes. They were a few shades lighter than his with flecks of gold near the center. "You intrigue me." He shook his head faintly. "No, you captivate me."

"I'm not anything special, Larry."

The sound of his name off of her lips was like music to his ears and he found himself wondering how she would sound saying his name in a different aspect...but he wasn't captivated by her just for that reason. That was more of an added bonus. No, he had felt a pull towards her from the instant he had laid eyes on her. She had to have felt it too.

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