Fractured (Larry)

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Author's Note: For those of you who have been following the story Intimacy, I have turned it into a stand-alone book for your enjoyment. The current parts I have written, with the addition of a new scene have been posted. The new scene is just sort of an intro on how they met. Hope you all enjoy! :)

She closed her eyes as the music washed over her. The song Her by ToyBoi featuring Nefera & Y.A.S spoke more than just to her heart, it seemed to speak to her very soul. But her outlet wasn't dancing, no. It was climbing. Free-climbing. Amanda opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She let it out slowly as she reached up to carefully placed her chalked hands on the rubber grips that littered the wall in front of her. It stretched all the way up to the cathedral ceiling of the old stables that had been converted into a training area. She steeled her fingers and hoisted herself up. She zoned out, listening to the eclectic collection of music on her playlist. It went from heavy metal like Killswitch Engage, to French rap, and even some old 80's rock. A song by Red Café pumped through her Bluetooth ear buds and despite the ear crushing volume, she still heard the harsh whistle of someone far below. Glancing over her right shoulder; the one tattooed with the snow owl, she saw three men waiting for her attention. Two of them she knew quite well, almost too well. She had been so far in the zone that she hadn't realized she had climbed nearly to the top.

"I'll be down in a minute, gentlemen." She called out, returning her attention back to the task at hand.

Larry watched open mouthed as a curvier and more toned version of their former best friend descended the rock wall with precision and grace.

"Did you know she could climb like that?" Lau asked his twin, tilting his head faintly as he watched the muscles in her back move as fluidly as she did.

"Non. Perhaps it is something she recently started."

"Not quite, boys." Brandon interrupted their banter. "She went through some shit and was in the hospital for several weeks. This is her therapy."

"What shit?" Laurent turned his head swiftly towards the other man.

"She didn't tell you?"

The Twins shook their heads in unison.

"Look, if she didn't tell you, I'm not sure it's my place to say anything. She was hurt bad and left for dead. I'll leave it at that."

Mon Dieu! Larry felt a rage boiling in him. Why hadn't anyone told them? He felt hurt that she hadn't reached out to him, but then again, she had been fighting for her life. He couldn't really blame her for not telling them, right? Especially when he had never told her how he felt in the first place. His mouth went dry as she jumped down from a good three feet from the ground, landing in a partial crouch before standing with as much fluid grace as he and his brother moved with. She had honed herself into a machine. He watched the small muscles in her biceps shift as she unwound the boxing tape from her hands even as she closed the distance between her and them.

"To what do I owe the honor of the presence of Les Twins?" She asked with a smile. When she reached them, she pulled Laurent into a hug first. "I've been following you two on social media. I am so proud of the both of you. You've accomplished so much." When it was Larry's turn, he found himself inhaling her familiar scent. Egyptian musk hit him, bringing with it a sense of nostalgia. He held on a bit longer than he had intended, but damn if he hadn't missed her.

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