Stone Cold (Laurent)

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She stood in front of the microphone, fingers sweaty with nerves. She was set to perform for the first time ever at Fashion Week in Paris. She knew "he" was going to be there, she had heard quite a few die hard fans of Les Twins mention that he was going. She had groaned to herself, practically face-planting the glass that had separated her from the outside world beyond the coffee shop she had been sitting in. It figures that she was going to be performing; for the first time mind you, in front of thousands but that he would be among them. The real kicker was that she song she was set to sing, she had written about him after he had chosen someone else. It had been her therapy, her way to try to get over the pain of being hurt. They had been friends for years and she hadn't exactly admitted that she was in love with him. She was almost positive that her actions had spoken louder than words, but apparently she had been too late. The night she was set to tell him, she had run into him and his new girlfriend coming back from dinner. Amanda had made light of the conversation and had high-tailed it out of there so fast. She had made it back home, thankfully, before the tears had started falling. If she was honest with herself, she still wasn't over the man that was Laurent Bourgeois. He had made a claim in her life and it was very hard to push him out. Hell, she was still really close friends with his Twin, Larry. He had known something was up, but had wisely stayed silent about the situation.

She took a deep breath and let her eyes fall closed just as the first notes of the song began to play.

Stone cold, stone cold

You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor

Stone cold, stone cold

Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore

Her eyes snapped open as soon as the rest of the music picked up and the lights flared to life. Even from the stage, she could almost hear and feel his surprise and shock at seeing her so suddenly and up in front of people like this. She hadn't told anyone that she was here, not even Larry knew and he knew pretty much everything but this was something she had wanted to do without anyone. She had wanted to make a surprise return and this was certainly it. After the initial heart-break, Amanda had pretty much dropped from every social media outlet and had gone ghost. She had all but ignore Lau's phone calls and only responded a few words via text, letting him know that she was okay, just busy. Larry had known though. How she wasn't entirely sure, but he had read her like an open book.

"What am I supposed to do, Lar? He doesn't want me."

"Mon frere can be oblivious, cherie. Make him see who you are."

This was her last attempt. If this didn't work, she would walk away without a backwards glance. Would he finally see her now? At this point, he didn't exactly have a choice. She was front and center. Glowing beneath the bright neon lights.

Stone cold, baby

God knows I tried to feel

Happy for you

Know that I am, even if I

Can't understand, I'll take the pain

Give me the truth, me and my heart

We'll make it through

If happy is her, I'm happy for you

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