Mine Part 2 (Lau)

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There were things flashing in her mind that she couldn't explain. Sights, sounds, even smells that seemed both familiar and foreign to her. She couldn't see, but that didn't stop her from reaching out through the darkness. Her fingers touched something solid, warm and very much alive.

"Belle?" The voice that floated to her was rich, masculine and utterly sexy with it's purring French accent. As he spoke, she turned in the direction of the words, finally peeling her eyes open. The sight that greeted her almost instantly set her blood on fire. She still wasn't used to seeing him next to her. That perfect, flawless caramel skin and rich brown eyes that seemed to peer into her very soul. The devilish half-smirk that greeted her made her breath hitch. There was no doubt he knew the effect he had on her. This man knew just how sexy he was and used it to his advantage.

She was laying on her stomach, the thick cream-colored duvet of the bed draped around her hips and baring the large crescent moon dream catcher she had inked on her back

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She was laying on her stomach, the thick cream-colored duvet of the bed draped around her hips and baring the large crescent moon dream catcher she had inked on her back. It was his symbol, the sigil of their people. He lightly ran a fingertip up along her spine, his smirk widening to a grin when he felt her shudder beneath his simple touch.

"You do know that a Witch is not supposed to mate with the King of a Pack, right?" She inquired, flash images of their...session threatening to over take her. She remembered what had happened after Vex had broken down her front door.


"Amanda!" Vex's deep, booming voice threatened to shake the very walls.

She rolled her eyes towards the ceiling before heaving a deep sigh. What could he possibly want now? Laurent growled lowly, and she felt it vibrate down the length of her spine.

"Stop it." She warned, sparing him a glare over her shoulder as she moved to intercept the larger man in the foyer of her rather spacious apartment.

" She warned, sparing him a glare over her shoulder as she moved to intercept the larger man in the foyer of her rather spacious apartment

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"Vex! You just broke my front door. You're going to pay my landlord for that."

He growled lowly, the tattoos at his temples threatening to burst open. "I know he's here, Amanda. Why is he here?"

"I'm part of his Pack, why wouldn't he be here?" She inquired with a tilt to her head that basically asked him why he was asking such a stupid question in the first place.

"He's denied me Mating rights."

"Um, news flash, Vex, I denied you Mating rights the first time. Obviously, he's going to deny you for the second and third."

"That's not why he's denying me, Amanda. He's denying me because he wants you for himself."

She scoffed slightly. "Oh please, don't be ridiculous. I'm a Witch. He's a Wolf. The two don't mix, especially since he is King. The Pack won't take kindly on such a thing."

"Don't be so sure of that, princess." He continued, moving forward to stand inches from touching her. If she was being honest with herself, he was quite good looking, but that went away with his arrogant I own you attitude. "The Packs of this city respect you. Your abilities and you as a person have won a lot of Wolf Kin over. If it was put to a vote, I guarantee you could have any Alpha you wanted."

"Who says I want one? You all tend to be so arrogant and demanding. I am way too strong willed for that shit."

Vex chuckled. "See, that's exactly the type of woman an Alpha needs, someone to put him in his place." He reached up to let his tattooed fingers grip her chin lightly. "You can put me in my place anytime."

"Let go of her, Vex." The deep voice that came from behind her barely sounded like the Laurent she knew. The accent was still there, but it somehow managed to be deeper than she had ever heard it before. "She is not, nor will she ever be yours."

"Oh? Says who?"

"Me." The King replied, shifting fluidly to stand between the two of them. With his prowess as a internationally renown dancer, he moved with astounding grace and precision.

"And what is she to you, Bourgeois?"

"She is mine."


It was as if the word mine triggered something deep inside of her. Once Vex had left, everything else had become a near blur until all she could do was feel. Feel his hands on her, his lips at her throat, growling demandingly over her skin.

"Who says?" Laurent asked softly, brushing that sinful mouth of his over the curve of her bare shoulder.

"Uh, the Laws of Nature? How exactly is a King of a Wolf Pack supposed to reproduce with a Human Witch?"

"You're not Human, belle. I felt it the first time I met you."

Her brow frowned slightly. He knew that she didn't remember much about her past except that she had been left on the door step of the Coven.

"If I'm not Human, then what am I? And why hasn't it shown itself?"

"You are Wolf Kin, belle, but your Magick prevents you from Changing."

"So I'm basically a Wolf that can't Shift?"

"It is rumored that Mating with a strong enough Alpha could enable the Change, but that is speculation, not proven, cherie."

Her brown frowned slightly. "How do you know all this?"

"It's my job to know, bebe. If I didn't, how could I lead our people?"

"Our people?"

He shifted to lean over her back, pressing his chest against her bare skin as he pitched forward to whisper in her ear. "Oui. Our people. After last night, cherie, did you really think that I wouldn't lay claim? You are mine, Amanda."

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