Anima Nera; Stone Cold Part 2 (Laurent)

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Author's Note: This was a little scent inspired by the song Anima Nera by Lacuna Coil. A very haunting and inspiring song. I've posted the video below and am using the song as well as the singer's voice for Amanda's. I've been brewing this whole new story in my head revolved around this song featuring our beloved Twins. Something similar to Primal, but not linked in any way. We'll see where my Muse decides to take me since I may be wrapping up these Spellbound one-shots very soon. If there's something any of you would like to see expanded, let me know. I've even been thinking about having some of you vote for your favorite to see if it could be expanded. Let me know what you think!

The music flowed over her like water. She closed her eyes as she leaned towards the microphone, full lips parting as she took a deep breath and began singing the haunting melody.

I like to bury myself in pain

You know what I mean

I like to suffocate in all my memories

Until I cannot breathe

So I can taste again

How hard it is

To have a frozen heart inside my chest

That only beats but doesn't feel

The walls inside the room are closing in

I cannot see a door

A little sparkle of light

I cannot see any hope

I wonder

Is it all my fault?

Is it because of me?

Is it because I never cared enough?

And now I pay for this

As the music lulled lowly, she let her eyes open, staring at the darkness shrouding the crowd. The look seemed almost predatory, filled with some kind of dark animal lurking behind rich brown eyes rimmed expertly with black makeup. Her voice lowered, becoming an eerie, spiritual chant that had virtually everyone in the crowd enthralled, even him.

Cosa ne rimane della mia anima nera?

Anima nera

Anima nera

Anima nera

Cosa ne rimane della mia anima nera?

Anima nera

Anima nera

Anima nera

Cosa ne rimane della mia anima nera?

Anima nera

Anima nera

Anima nera

Cosa ne rimane della mia anima nera?

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