Visitors (Larry)

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She was busy puttering around in the kitchen, shaking her hips to upbeat music that seemed to always put her in the mood to cook or bake something. She was humming softly to herself, taking a sip of her iced coffee when the shrill ringing of her doorbell broke through the cacophony of sounds. Her brow frowned slightly. She wasn't expecting anyone. Her seven year old daughter came sliding into the kitchen on sock covered feet, practically nose diving for the front door.

"Easy, baby." Amanda warned, running a hand over Kyra's long mousy brown hair. "I'll get the door sweetheart. You go back and play."

"Okay, Mama." The child excitedly went back to play with her toys in the other room.

She smiled faintly, fingers curling around the doorknob. Her attention was still divided when she opened the door, but it quickly turned into absolutely shock when she saw two men standing on her front porch. She was taken back for a moment and blinked rapidly to clear her vision. Either she was hallucinating, or she had died and gone to heaven. Larry and Laurent Bourgeois stood on her doorstep, the two internationally well known dancers Les Twins were standing in front of her. For a moment, she felt like she was going to faint.

 For a moment, she felt like she was going to faint

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"Holy shit." She mumbled, mostly to herself, but the grin that plastered on Larry's face told her that he had heard her quite clearly. Her eyes were immediately drawn to his lips and the fact that they were revealing those adorable front teeth of his. She felt her mouth going dry and desperately wished she had grabbed her coffee off the counter. "Can I help you, gentlemen?" She managed to finally inquire, her voice sounding surprisingly strong even to her own ears.

The first thing that Larry had noticed was that she was petite. She stood no taller than five foot one and held curves that practically made his palms itch to touch her. Long dark hair trailed to her waist in thin dread locs but were pulled back into a high pony tail that left them to swing freely whenever she moved. Black wire framed glasses showcased expressive rich brown eyes that he found himself falling head-first into. She wore faded dark grey jeans that sported a chain at the right hip, the same kind of chain that he normally wore only hers had skulls. He pulled his lower lip beneath his teeth, watching in triumph as her eyes immediately dropped down to the gesture. She subconsciously mirrored him, pulling her own lush lower lip beneath her teeth.

Laurent cleared his throat, breaking the obvious spell that his brother and this woman had over one another. He'd never seen his Twin act like that around any woman he had ever become involved with. It intrigued him that this stranger had managed to pull Larry in almost instantly.

"Our apologies for disturbing you, cherie." He stated, the song of Paris purring in his voice. "We were wondering if you might be able to help us. It seems that our car broke down just in front of your house. We tried calling someone, but no one has picked up."

Amanda pulled the door open further, waving her hand for them to enter. "It's not every day you open your door to find Les Twins standing there. Come on it. It's not exactly warm enough out there to be standing outside until someone answers their phone or shows up." She stepped back as she watched both of their tall, lanky frames duck in through the doorway. Christ they were tall. When Larry passed by her, she caught the scent of his cologne and felt her mouth water. Jesus God he smelled just as good as he looked.

"Who is it Mama?" Kyra bounded into the room, caught off guard by the two men standing there. It took her a few seconds before she realized who they were. "The Twins?"

A blush crept up the back of her neck and it only deepened when she kept rambling.

"Oooo, Mama, your husband Larry is here."

Oh Jesus Christ. This kid was dead set on embarrassing her. "Yes, baby. Now go play please."

"Okay!" She ran off excitedly back to her bedroom.

Amanda cleared her throat, turning back towards the kitchen as she pulled the sleeves of her black shirt up over forearms that were inked with a couple of tattoos. "Can I get you guys anything?" The oven itself dinged right on time and she pulled it open where the scent of something delicious filled the apartment. She carefully removed the cookie sheets filled with homemade cookies and set them down onto the counter.

"You made cookies?" The sound of his voice close by her nearly made her jump. She hadn't expect him to be that close. Her gaze shifted towards Larry who stood to her right, leaning casually against the fridge as he watched her.

"Yes. Would you like some?"

"Larry." The older Twin warned and some unspoken conversation seemed to pass between them.

"It's alright, Laurent." Amanda chimed in, almost as if she knew what they were telepathically speaking about. "I enjoy feeding people."

"In that case, we'll both have some." He replied with his own charming grin. She returned the smile, her gaze flicking back towards Larry briefly and noticed that he was practically glaring daggers at his brother.

She snorted faintly to herself as she carefully removed several of the cookies from the sheet and placed them on a plate which she slid onto the kitchen table. "Help yourselves. I have milk, coffee, juice, water and protein shakes." The last she said with a faint chuckle. She moved to turn towards the fridge, but Larry still stood there leaning against it, staring at her with such intensity that the world around the two of them seemed to fade.

"Mon frere." Laurent broke the spell again, tugging at his brothers arm to get him to sit at the table. They went back and forth in rapid fire French, quite obviously talking about her but she paid it no mind as she finally opened the fridge. Something about Larry was calling to her very strongly, so strongly in fact that it was taking a very good amount of effort on her part not to kiss him senseless.

"Kyra, baby, cookies are ready." She called out to her daughter who came skidding back into the room with two seconds. She took a seat at the table with the Twins, watching them with keen interest.

"My Mama watches your videos a lot."

God damn it. This kid was going to embarrass her to death.

"Does she now, belle?" Larry inquired, leaning his head against his hand as he listened to the little girl with rapt interest.

"Uh huh. She especially has a crush on you." She stated, pointing directly to him.

"Kyra Marie!" Her mother warned, turning several shades of embarrassed. "I really don't think they want to know that."

Larry leaned towards Kyra. "Between you and I, cherie, I want to know."

The little girl giggled, snatching a cookie from the plate. "She has a picture of you on her phone as her wallpaper." She whispered to him, taking a bite of her cookie.

"She does?"

She nodded rapidly. "She changes it every week to a different one."

"What are you two conspiring about?" Amanda asked, setting a small plastic cup down in front of her daughter half full with milk.

"Nothing, Mama."

"Just talking, cherie."

Laurent merely shook his head faintly, the long twists of his hair drifting back and forth over his shoulders. "These two are going to be trouble."

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