Allure Part 2 (Laurent)

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Amanda sat on the closed lid of the toilet, finger nails tapping impatiently against her teeth as she waited. She rocked back and forth, swaying to the beat of the music that she had playing in the background. It was loud enough to be heard from the bedroom even through the closed door of the bathroom. A cover of Alanis Morisette's Uninvited by a punk band called Doll Skin echoed the haunting lyrics floated through her foggy brain. She was excited, but scared. Terrified if she was honest with herself. Her inner reflection was broken when the alarm on her phone echoed shrilly through the sizable bathroom. She took a extra few seconds to herself before finally finding out the answer...

"Oh my God." She gasped to herself, eyes immediately watering, filling with tears that were about to flow over.

"Bebe?" She heard his voice calling to her from downstairs. He had just returned home from Germany where he had attended a workshop with his brother. Laurent set his bags down just inside the front door, his brow frowning slightly when the downstairs of the home they shared was empty. Normally she was always puttering around with her art projects or baking something but it was deathly still. However, he could hear her eclectic music playing at high volume from somewhere upstairs. He made his way to the staircase but before he could reach the top, he heard her sobbing, even over the music. Immediately he rushed up the stairs, skipping two at a time in his haste to reach her.

"Belle?!" He shouted, flinging the bathroom door open once he reached their bedroom. The sight he saw floored him. She was sitting on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest as tears poured down her face. "Mon Dieu, bebe, what happened?" His French was thicker the more distressed he became. He watched as with a shaky hand, she reached out to hand him something. He took it gently from her trembling fingers, bring her hand up to kiss the backs of her knuckles. He stopped mid-way as he had begun lowering her hand back down when he realized what was in his grasp. His dark gaze flicked over towards her for a moment before twisting the piece of plastic over. His breath immediately caught in his throat as he read the little display. In clear, very readable font, the answer was precise.


He was going to be a father. Laurent felt his eyes snap back to her, silently asking if this was real and not a dream.

 Laurent felt his eyes snap back to her, silently asking if this was real and not a dream

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Amanda nodded once in affirmation.


She gave him a look that silently asked if he was serious.

"Non, I mean how far along, bebe. I am quite certain I know how it happened."

She snorted in lieu of laughter. "I have yet to call the doctor but I noticed I was several weeks late. I got so backed up with artwork that I didn't realize that I was actually late late until yesterday so I went and bought one."

He jumped to his feet, reaching down to pick her up off of the floor and into his arms. "I'm going to be a Papa?" His question seemed surreal. He felt that he would wake up at any moment and this would all be a dream, a trick his mind played on him.

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