Burn Part 2 (Larry)

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He watched her laugh, a glass of white whine held classically in the gentle grip of her right hand. Her left arm was crossed in front of her, laying casually on the table. Her head was tilted slightly in amusement, dark brown eyes sparkling with what appeared to be genuine happiness. Something of which; from what he had gathered from the stories of her past, she didn't often achieve though she always tried to make the best of any situation thrown at her. He knew she had been heart broken before, enough to last several life times, but she still remained positive despite it. His own long fingers gripped the rim of his thick glass, bringing the straw to his lips. He watched her watching him, seeing the flash of desire light up her eyes as she became fascinated with the way his lips wrapped around the straw.

Amanda couldn't peel her gaze away from him. He had a goofy charisma that enthralled her from the very first moment she had seen him joke around and laugh during a dance battle video someone had posted on Youtube. She never in a million years would have guessed that she'd be sitting across from one of them enjoying diner and conversation. Secretly, she had always been a Lau girl but there was just something about Larry that fascinated her. Perhaps it was the fact that they were both single parents, or that he always seemed to bright and positive, always ready with an encouraging word for anyone. You could even tell the genuine way he adored his fans. She didn't mind when their diner would be interrupted by someone who recognized him, seeking an autograph and a picture. She had sat back and smiled, watching with growing affection as he listen to their every word and gave his own positive feed back.

"You look as though you are deep in thought, belle." His voice broke her train of thought and she blinked back to reality.

"I was thinking about you, actually." She admitted, setting her glass down with a soft click of the stem. "Since we met at my shop earlier today, I've had an amazing time. You're good company Larry Bourgeois."

He grinned, flashing those adorable bunny teeth of his. He reached out to take his hand in hers, toying with her fingers almost shyly. His rings clinked softly as he glanced down at their hands. "My schedule is always full, cherie."

Amanda reached across the table and tilted his head up so he looked at her. Her fingertips lightly traced the line of his jaw. "In case you haven't noticed, so is mine. I run a business, home school my daughter and help take care of my disabled parents. You tour constantly doing your workshops. You have so much other projects going for you and your brother. I get it, Lar. But I'm the type of woman that is always willing to make things work if I think something is worth fighting for and quite frankly, I have no doubts that you're worth fighting for. Any woman would be lucky to have you in their life."

Without a word, he stood up from his side of the table to sit beside her at hers. He sat on the edge of the chair, shifting closer to her as he could physically. His fingers gripped her thighs gently, drifting up towards her hips but it wasn't in a sexual way. It was more comforting. "You do not know how much your words mean to me, belle."

"I swear to you they're not hollow. Most women would say anything a man needed to hear for the sake of his money. I don't want that from you, Larry. I want the man behind it."

He felt his heart soar even further. Sure there had been sexual tension between them at her coffee shop earlier, but now it went beyond that. In the short time they had spent together, a very strong connection had begun to form. He could feel the truth of her words, not only hear them. He knew almost immediately just how sincere she was and it humbled him beyond measure. She was an amazing woman, a good mother and any man should be blessed to have her.

"How is it that no man has scooped you up already?" He wondered softly, becoming lost in those deep fathomless brown eyes of hers.

"Most men say that they want a strong-willed independent woman. A ride or die chick. But when they're faced with one, they feel intimidated because they realize she doesn't actually need them. She has chosen them out of want not necessity and that scares them shitless." Amanda reached up to trace the curve of his lower lip with her thumb. "But you, Lar, you're different. You're not like everyone else. I feel like the blaze of presence is going to burn me alive and for once in my life, I'm not afraid."

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