Surrogate (Lar/Lau)

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She looked across the table where she sat beside Larry, watching the expression on both Laurent's and his girlfriend Giselle's faces. Her gaze shifted between each of them, gauging the severity of their previous question.

We wanted to know if you'd be willing to be our surrogate.

She was still in a state of shock. Giselle had confided in her that she wasn't able to carry her own children, that there was something wrong with the way her eggs were produced. So why had they asked her? Her eyes locked on Lau, the older Twin of her man. They were virtually the spitting image of each other but there were minor differences that she was able to pin-point that made them different, unique in their own way.

"Why?" Amanda asked the inevitable question. "I know why you're asking, but why me?"

"You've been my best friend for years. You're my brothers girlfriend. I want something like this to be as close to our family as possible. I just wouldn't trust a stranger for something important like this, cherie." Lau replied, his own dark gaze flicking towards his brother to gauge his twin's reaction. They had discussed this in private before hand and Larry had pretty much the same reaction as she did now.

Strangely, she wanted to call his bluff. She knew he had once had feelings for her. He had admitted it before he had started dating Giselle. That had been over a year ago. Was he really in love with this woman now as much as he said he did? It was hard to read him. She had waited a long time for him to tell her he had loved her. All the signs had been there but no move had been ever made between the two of them. So how did she end up with Larry? Natural progression she supposed. After the older twin had started to become distant from her, Amanda had started hanging out with the other brother more. He had asked her what had been wrong and she had confessed everything. Since she had been pouring her heart out, he had only felt it right that he had done the same with us and he had confessed that he was in love with her. Though she loved Lau, her and Larry had gradually become closer.

"This is something that I think Larry and I need to discuss before we give an actual answer." Amanda confessed. Since they were being honest with each other, she felt she would at least be honest in return.

"That is fair." Giselle replied, her hands still faintly trembling with nerves. She shouldn't have been surprised by Amanda's nature. She was a very down to earth woman with a kind heart, but she was also tough and didn't take disrespect lightly.

"I would like to talk to you each in private, if you don't mind." The other woman continued, sitting back in her chair slightly. "I want each of your honest opinions on the situation before we even consider anything."

Larry stood from the chair, placing a hand sportingly against her shoulder. She had the right to ask questions. It would be her body after all that would be put through this. He knew that his opinion was just as important as her own, but there may be things that she needed to hear, to say that she just didn't want to do in front of everyone else.

"Lau, would you mind if I talked to you first?"

His palms were sweating but he didn't quite know why. He was nervous, borderline nauseous. His gaze shifted towards Giselle as she stood a few moments later, offering him a reassuring smile before she followed Larry outside to the back patio of the apartment. Silence settled between them for a few moments before she finally spoke.

"What is the real reason why you wanted to ask me, Laurent?"

Her question was so soft that he had almost missed it. He opened his mouth to speak, but she continued without waiting for an answer.

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