Dancing (Laurent)

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She stood in the kitchen, body swaying to the seductive beat of the music that floated from the cell phone she had propped on the counter beside her. She hated dancing in front of others, but she was home alone and enjoying the solitude, the ability to be free and dance around like no one in the world was watching. Not even the cat; which had gone with them on their trip to Sweden. Her hips swayed, body rolling in a move that probably could have put most strippers to shame.

There was a loud thud, followed by rapid fire French.

Amanda whipped around, dropping the glass mixing bowl that had been in her hands.

"Mon Dieu, cherie! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?"

Her heart was racing a mile a minute. That beautiful Beast of a man had nearly given her a damned heart attack! He wasn't supposed to be here!

"What are you doing back so early, Lau? You're not supposed to be home for another few days." She took a moment to think about what she had just said. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out harsh. You just scared the living shit out of me."

He moved like liquid as he crossed the kitchen towards her. The thud that had made her jump had been his luggage hitting the floor. Hopefully he hadn't dropped Paname's carrier like that, but knowing him, he wouldn't. She swore he loved that cat more than her sometimes. "I'm sorry, belle, but I wasn't expecting on walking into you dancing like that. Where did that come from?"

Oh Lords above, she had forgotten she had been caught dancing. Embarrassment crept up the back of her neck like fire, threatening to burn her alive.

"That was...um...it was nothing." She cleared her throat faintly, turning to get the broom to clean up the shattered glass, but he reached out to gently take her hands in his, effectively preventing her from moving away from him.

"Come on, bebe. This is me. It's not Lar or some other man." He thought about his words for a moment. "Better not be any other man." He mumbled, earning a chuckle from her.

"Sometimes I dance when I'm by myself."

"How have I not known this?"

"Oh God, Laurent. It embarrasses me, alright? I don't like anyone watching me."

He pulled her closer towards him, hands instinctively drifting down to her hips. "Cherie, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. You move like you've been dancing for years."

"I had dance lessons when I was four. I hated performing in front of other people and didn't stick with it very long but any physical therapist I ever had has always told me I have nearly perfect form and have wondered if I had ever been a dancer."

"Why don't you dance with me, bebe?"

"Are you crazy?"

"We'll start off slow." He moved towards her phone, thumbing through the list of songs. He found one that he though would be good to start with. He chuckled to himself as a couple of ads boasted about saving on car insurance as he turned back to face her. 

"Come here, belle

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"Come here, belle." He crooked a finger in her direction, the look on his face utterly seductive but she wasn't entirely sure if he meant it to be or if he simply just looked that way naturally. Either way he was damn beautiful.

(Video is of Amanda and Lau's dance. Not necessarily the same song but it will do.)

His body moved with hers so fluidly that it was almost as if he had been reading her mind, anticipating each of her moves at exactly the right time. His arms came firmly around her, long fingers practically digging into her skin possessively as one of his long legs nestled firmly between hers. She could feel the heat of him quiet easily through the rather unflattering basketball shorts she had stolen from his drawers. His tall frame leaned over hers, his face nuzzling against the curve of her neck where it met her shoulder as he breathed in her scent. He had missed her.

"I remember the first time I saw you, cherie." His sinful lips brushed against her skin, causing a shiver to jolt down her spine. "I knew instantly that you were mine. I knew that I had to have you." His hands slid from her hips and around her lower back, pressing her body more firmly against his own. "Mon frere tried his hardest to flirt with you, but you weren't having it." He remembered well when his younger Twin had practically slid across the floor to lay at her feet as she had sat in one of the chairs during a workshop, typing fluidly on her laptop. She was a freelance author working on an article about Les Twins and their dancing. She had glanced up at Larry and smiled, but had turned right back to her work without batting an eye lash. However, when Laurent had begun dancing, she had been riveted, sitting there staring with practically an open mouth hanging down to the floor. She had been oblivious to his brother's advances and it had secretly pleased him. He had wanted her the very moment he had set eyes on her. There was just something about her that had called to him.

Amanda reached up and let her thumb trace over his lower lip. "I still have absolutely no idea what you're doing with someone like me, Laurent. You could have your choice of any actress, model, or singer out there. Women who are a thousand times more physically attractive than I am. Why me?"

"Belle, there is more to it than just physical looks. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, cherie and to me you are absolutely stunning." His dark gaze raked over her from head to toe, clad in a pair of his basketball shorts and a tank top. She stood no taller than five foot one, her petite frame holding curves in all the right places. She weighed close to 150lbs but he didn't care that she held extra weight for someone of her stature. That made her a "woman" and not some stick thin scarecrow passing for one. Her pale skin was soft beneath his touch as his palms slid beneath the tank top she wore to touch her flesh. "It's your heart I'm after, bebe. You are such a gentle, caring soul, a woman who stand up for herself and what she believes in. You are strong-willed, independent and you amaze me every single day. How could I not want you?"

A blush rushed up the back of her neck, threatening to pain her face crimson with embarrassment at his words. They were so sweet and heart-felt that she found herself melting, falling for him that much further.

"You should join us for the next workshop. I would love to show them how well we dance together."

She quirked a brow, unsure if that was exactly a smart idea. The way she felt right now, dancing this close to him was so sensual and erotic that she was almost certain she would jump him any minute. Not to mention there would be some of the female fans there that would undoubtedly get jealous.

Autor's Note: A little scene that popped into my head. So, I've been thinking of writing a story like Intimacy with Laurent in Larry's place. Not the same story, mind you, but something slightly similar. Thoughts? Ideas? Comments?

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