Mine Part 1 (Laurent)

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Amanda gnashed her teeth in response to the snarl from the man standing barely half an inch from her. He was an imposing figure, lean but very tall. He was undoubtedly a foot and a half taller, towering over her small five-one rather easily. His permanently tanned skin was covered in stark black tattoos, but it was his eyes that held her captive and it wasn't from fear. No, this was something more primal than that. In fact, it went far beyond primal and into dangerous territory. Her mind flashed with sinful images of this man standing in front of her. The very same man that she was about to get into a physical fight with.

"I told you no, Amanda

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"I told you no, Amanda." He growled, his French accent growing thicker. Could he smell the way his voice affected her as it shot straight down her spine, singing like music?

"I don't listen to you, Laurent, or anyone." She breathed her reply, keeping her eyes level with his although everything inside her was practically screaming to look away. Especially with the way those intense brown eyes stared down into hers.

"You're apart of this Pack, belle. You listen to me. I'm you're Alpha."

"Oh really, so telling a dude you don't know to stop staring at my ass was what, Lau? What do you care if someone is staring at my ass? And how is it any of your fucking concern about what I wear out in public?"

A possessive growl ripped up from the core of his chest and vibrated from him down towards her as he reached up with his right hand to curl his fingers into the long dark hair that fell past her shoulders. He gently tilted her head far back enough so that they stared at each other directly.

"You're mine." He rumbled, brushing the soft fullness of his lips against hers.

"Oh? Says who, Laurent? You?"

"Oui." He bared his teeth as he caught the scent of her rising with the increase of her body temperature. She just didn't know how tempting she was to him. The sun-kissed skin, the deep dark brown of her eyes. Liquid chocolate, that's what they were. They never failed to keep him rooted to the spot and yet pull him towards her so strongly.

"You're my Alpha, not my Mate." She replied. Amanda knew she was testing him; she couldn't help it. She had always been a strong-willed woman.

"I am both."

She felt his nose brush against the corner of her jaw where it met her ear. The sound of his voice that close as he spoke with extreme possessiveness shot a jolt straight through her like lava. It burned, branding her.

"Prove it." Amanda growled in a breathy whisper.

He clasped his fingers just a tad tighter in her hair, a thumb caressing over the opposite side of her jaw before gripping it firmly. He held her in place for a split second as his eyes stared down into hers.

"I'll do better than that, princess. I'll claim it."

"If I let you." She replied, her lips brushing faintly over the line of his strong jaw.

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