Chance Encounter (Laurent)

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This man was too damn sexy and she swore he knew it

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This man was too damn sexy and she swore he knew it. Each gesture he made had virtually every female; and even some males, within a ten foot radius, fixated. Even she wasn't immune to his charisma and she was damn near stone cold after all the failed, bullshit relationships she had been through in the past. No, Amanda Lyn wasn't as immune as she would like to believe, though she tried desperately to not be caught up in the firestorm like all the rest. It was proving futile, especially when he had walked past her and the scent of his expensive cologne drifted around her like a seductive miasma. She grit her teeth, nearly tapping her foot with impatience as she waited for her order. She was in serious need for her coffee fix and when she had walked into the quaint little cafe she frequented on a daily basis, she had been expecting the overflowing crowd that was nearly shoulder-to-shoulder. If this was how her day was going to start, she was going to turn right around and head back home to dive back under the covers and forget she had even woken up to her alarm. This was one of the reasons why she almost always got up an hour earlier, but no, not today. Her currently client had insisted on a later morning meeting. She ran a construction business for a reason. She was up usually before the sun was and out the door long before traffic congested itself on the highways. Hell, she was usually at the job sites before anyone else, making sure the blue-prints for the current project were in hand and all the materials they needed were ordered, delivered and just waiting for the crews.

Someone bumped into her from behind and she whipped her head over her shoulder, nearly growing in annoyance, but when she saw who it was behind her, she faltered. God damn it, why did it have to be him?

"I am so sorry, belle. Mon frere wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into me which resulted in a pile up." He grinned, flashing perfectly straight white teeth. His tall frame towered over her clearly over a foot and she practically had to crane her head back to look up at him which was not an easy task since she was looking at him over her shoulder. His lean dancers build seemed to be clad in the latest fashion trend. Designer jeans clung to his long legs, nearly making her mouth instantly water. A black leather jacket was open over a red shirt but she couldn't tell exactly what kind of shirt it was, only the color stood out. Shoulder length dark hair was fastened into tight twists and she could glimpse the flash of what she undoubtedly knew was expensive jewelry at his ears and around his neck. At the mention of his brother, the younger Twin popped his head over the others shoulder and offered a heart-stopping grin, flashing cute bunny teeth at the front.

 At the mention of his brother, the younger Twin popped his head over the others shoulder and offered a heart-stopping grin, flashing cute bunny teeth at the front

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