Burn Part 1 (Larry)

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Larry watched her from across the cafe as she waited on customer after customer with grace and finesse. He had heard about this place from several fans who seemed to enjoy the quiet and comfortable atmosphere. What he hadn't expected, however, was the decor. Though he supposed with a name like Witches Brew, it only seemed fitting that nearly everything was Witch related. From the Gothic mugs, all the way down to the small cauldrons on each table that held a various assortment of organic sweeteners. What had enthralled him, though, was the woman who owned the place. She had a smile and a kind word for each guest and it was obvious that the regulars enjoyed her company and conversation. She was petite in stature; no taller than five foot one, but what she may have lacked in height she certainly made up for with her presence alone. It made her stick out like a beacon among everyone else. Her alluring, rich brown eyes held what many would call an old soul, a spark in their chocolate depths that pulled virtually anyone and everyone in. Even him. He had felt their intensity every time she cast her gaze in his direction and it was becoming more frequent the longer he sat here watching her.

Amanda knew who he was the instant he had set foot through the front door to her quaint little coffee shop. She would have known him anywhere. His presence alone seemed to blaze brighter than the rest, but it wasn't just that. She was a fan to begin with, though secretly she had always been a Lau girl. But there was just something about Larry that called to her on a much deeper level. It went far beyond fandom. There was a pull, a connection with him that she had never felt with anyone in the past and if she was honest with herself, it scared her shitless. Anytime she had ever tried any semblance of a relationship, it always backfired on her. She had all but given up on that aspect of her life, choosing instead to focus on her business and raising her daughter. Besides, what would someone as infamous as he was want with someone like her?

"Pardon moi?"


She had been so focused on her thoughts that she hadn't seen him approach the counter. If she had, she would have plastered on her professional smile. As it was, he caught her merely arching a single brow as she continued to move equipment to wipe down the dark stained wooden counter.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Though her voice sounded professional, there was a faint undertone of confusion.

He let his gaze roam over her face, memorizing its shape. He couldn't help as his eyes narrowed in on her lips. He almost forgot for a moment why he had come up here. He grinned almost sheepishly, flashing those bunny like teeth.

Oh dear lord...Did this man realize how sexy he was? Oh, she was quite certain he damn well knew it. Nearly every woman in this cafe had their eyes glued to him.

"I was wondering if it would be possible to get your number?" He watched in amusement as both of her eyebrows nearly shot into her dark, slicked back hair.

"You want my number?" Surprise tinged her words, making her voice sound almost breathy and damn sexy.


Jesus H...that French. She thought the accent was bad enough, but now the thought of him whispering fluent French into her ear as he...Dear God she had to stop her train of thought or it was going to get her into trouble. Her eyes drifted down and she watched him bite his lower lip. In that moment, she swore she felt her ovaries explode. On autopilot, Amanda grabbed a pen and jotted her private number down on one of the purple napkins.

"Why you would want my number, Larry Bourgeois, is beyond me, but you're welcome to it." She said softly, holding the folded napkin between her middle and index finger as she casually handed it over. "But I better not get any prank phone calls."

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