Spellbound (Laurent)

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She had dreamed of him again

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She had dreamed of him again. This mysterious man of masculinity and power. She had seen him in her dreams as far back as she could remember. These dreams always seemed to last forever and yet not long enough. The only cryptic message he gave her was: "Soon." His deep, accented voice never failing to awaken her in a state of chaotic desire and arousal. One that seemed to sear every nerve ending into a frayed mass of hyper-sensitivity. She felt a connection to him that she could not explain. It ran far deeper than anything she had ever experienced before, stronger than any force she had ever encountered. Tonight, however, his presence in her dreams seemed much different. It was stronger, more powerful than she had felt in any dreamscape before. Though she felt him long before he even showed himself, she still felt herself nearly jump when a tanned arm snaked out and wrapped around her waist, pulling the curve of her backside against the lean line of the front of him. His opposite arm slid around the other side of her, brushing along the side of her left breast before extending out in front of her so that she could see what he held in his grasp. An ornate, gilded edged rose of a rich purple glinted against his mocha hued skin.

"Soon." His voice sent a visible shiver down her spine, one that he felt burn through his blood and straight to his loins. A low groan vibrated against her ear and his right hand trailed from around her waist, down over her stomach to cup the heat of her burning through the black leggings she wore. "You test my patience, Amanda. I am so close now that I can almost taste you on my tongue. I will have you." The sheer confidence in those husky, French tinted words triggered something in her, some kind of hidden switch that made her press back against him, her hips shifting in slow, lazy circles that had his fingers digging firmly into her hips.

"Then come get me." She teased, wanting nothing more than to turn around to see his face, but the firm grip of his hands prevented her from doing so. Instead, he moved them forward, pressing her none-too-gently against the solid shadows that made up a nearly visible wall inside the dreamscape. His left hand shifted, moving upwards along the front of her body to grip her throat, fingers pressing oh so gently as he turned her face to one side. She felt his breath at her ear again, lips brushing against the lobe as he spoke.

"If I could have, I would have had you the instant that I had first laid my eyes on you. I do not care if there is a room full of people, the next time I see you, Amanda, I will take what is mine."


She awoke instantly, sitting nearly bolt up right in bed. Strangely, she still felt his touch on her skin. Slowly, she ran the palms of her hands over her face and sighed deeply. This was proving too much of a distraction. Who was this man? She never had the opportunity in those dreams to acquire his name, nor his purpose at raiding her dreams. All that she knew was that she felt...something. It was a feeling so intense that it had begun to eclipse everything else in the waking world. Was this man even real? The sheet pooled around her waist as she sat up more fully, running both hands through sleep tangled black hair. With the thick, blackout curtains shut, there was no real indication as to the time of day, but if she had to guess, it was just past five in the morning. She reached into the drawer of the bedside table and removed a single pack of what looked like black papered, hand rolled cigarettes. They were not filled with tobacco, instead she had pre-rolled them with carefully cultivated Marijuana that she grew herself. She placed one of their un-filtered ends between her lips and lit it. She inhaled slowly, holding the smoke in her lungs for a brief moment before exhaling the cloud towards the ceiling. With her free hand, she reached down to grasp the pentacle hanging from a long silver chain around her neck. It gave her nerves a sense of peace the moment she touched it. It was time to get to work, not sit around thinking about some strange man from her dreams.

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