Encounter (Larry)

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He heard the sexy rumble of the sports car before he was able to catch sight of it. When his eyes finally landed on the matte black Chevy Camaro, his mouth nearly dropped to the ground as he stood on the side walk in front of a bustling cafe in down town. He nearly dropped his coffee as it smoothly came to a stop a couple of feet from him. He could nearly reach out and touch it, but he refrained himself as the driver's door opened. To his surprise, out popped a petite woman; no taller than five foot one, dressed in as much black as the car she drove. His gaze followed her as she bounded over the lip of the curb like a ball of barely contained energy. She was just as sexy as her car. Well worn black jeans clung to her legs and were ripped in various places, showcasing the random scattering of tattoos through the holes. A silver chain sat at her right hip, jingling with each step she took. He couldn't see what kind of shirt she wore since it was covered by a leather jacket that had a thinly outlined red cross on the back. Her dark hair was fastened into a random pattern of braids, twists and thin dread locks, thumbling to the dip in her waist even while it was pulled back into a somewhat messy pony tail.

"Yo, Amanda!" He heard a man's voice call from the now partially rolled down passenger window.

Upon hearing her name, she turned slightly in the voice's direction, arching her right brow in a silent question. Dark glasses covered her eyes, making it impossibly to tell what color they were, but he was betting that they were dark.

"Make sure they don't forget the sugar this time, please."

She grimaced. "Reese, really, do you like chewing your coffee that much?" She gave a sheepish grin before turning back around and all but running into the cafe.

Larry couldn't help but chuckle to himself at her comment. She was witty and damn hot. Not to mention she drove a sweet ass car. He ran his thumb over his lower lip in contemplation. His gaze drifted back over to the passenger. Who was he? Her man? Friend? Family? If it was the latter two, he was in luck. The guy with her almost appeared as if he was bad news. Something about the way he looked screamed dangerous, perhaps a former felon.

A few moments later; as he was still standing in the same spot, she came out of the cafe carrying two iced coffees

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A few moments later; as he was still standing in the same spot, she came out of the cafe carrying two iced coffees. The one in her left was apparently hers as she was sipping at it contentedly while walking back to the car.

"Sweet ride." He heard himself say. There were no other emblems on the vehicle to tell which model it was. "What model?"

She turned her mirrored gaze in his direction, offering him a heart-stopping smile. It took her a split second to respond to his accented English, "It's a custom SS." She stated proudly, running a hand lovingly over the rear fender. "I just got it a few months ago but she certainly purrs like a kitten."

Not the only thing he'd mind hearing purr. He bit his lower lip slightly at the thought.

She couldn't help but stare at him as he bit his lower lip

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She couldn't help but stare at him as he bit his lower lip. She knew exactly who this man was. Larry Bourgeois, one half of Les Twins, internationally well known dancers from Paris. She had been a fan of them for several years now and though she had started out as a Lau girl, Larry had quickly won her over with his playful and goofy personality. She reached into the back pocket of her jeans and produced a business card which she handed to him casually between her index and middle finger.

"If you ever want to go for a ride sometime. Maybe I'll even let you drive her." She stated with a grin.

He nearly snorted out his own coffee. If that wasn't a hidden innuendo in that statement. What if it wasn't though? Butterflies fluttered in his stomach. That hadn't happened in a long time. He had always had various women throwing themselves at him on a regular basis, mostly for his fame and money, but this women seemed like she had her own, that she held her own and wasn't looking at him for material shit like that. He glanced down at the card, noticing that it was for a construction company and it listed her as the owner.

"What are you doing later on, belle?" He found himself asking before she had the chance to slip away.

"I have a contract I have to go secure for the state of New York, but after that I'm free."

"I'll text you very soon, bebe. Maybe we can go for that ride later."

Oh you could bet your sweet ass on that. Amanda thought to herself. She reached up and lowered the mirrored sunglasses off of her eyes and Larry became instantly enthralled. They were a rich chocolate brown that glinted with hints of honey. They were rimmed in black eye liner and framed by tasteful black eye shadow that made them even more seductive. Bedroom eyes, that's what they were and he was absolutely smitten.

"I'd like that, Larry." She said with a faint smirk tugging at a single corner of her mouth. She knew who he was? That shouldn't surprise him really. He was known pretty much everywhere, but somehow with this woman, it surprised him. He watched her gracefully hope off the curve and weave her way to the driver's side. She gave him one last glance before she slid back into the driver's side. Somehow he knew that since encountering her, his life would never be the same again.

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