Amour (Larry)

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"Ow, belle! Easy!"


"Ow! What was that for?!" Larry winced, rubbing the spot on the top of his head that she had smacked with the rat-tail comb.

"Sit still, Lar, or so help me God, I'll stick the pointy end of this comb in your ear." She warned, pointing said mentioned end threateningly in his direction.

He gave a pout that immediately had that lush lower lip of his sticking out enticingly. That crafty little bugger knew just how much that gesture effected her, but this time, she refused to give in. She would have ignored it too if she hadn't noticed that his hand was snaking its way beneath the over sized long sleeved shirt that she wore. She had snagged it from his drawer and so far he hadn't noticed. It smelled like him and if he was going to be abroad for the foreseeable future; bouncing to different places, she wanted a piece of him with her. Just before his fingers could come in contact with the inside of her right thigh, she took a faint step back.

"Larry.." She trained off in warning, folding her arms across her stomach and cocking her hip in a gesture that meant business. "Do you want me to braid your hair or not?"

His lower lip stuck out further. "But, bebe..." He let his warm brown gaze travel over her. She looked delectable in his shirt. He had known it was his nearly the minute she had tried to sneak it from his drawer. He had caught her out of the corner of his eye but had pretended not to notice. Her pale skin looking inviting beneath the yoga shorts she wore beneath the shirt. He couldn't help himself. She was so soft. He trailed his fingertip along her thigh, leaning towards her. He knew that she was going to cave in eventually.

"No, Larry."


Amanda smacked his hand with the comb.


"Do you want braids or not?"

A devious smile curved a single corner of his mouth and he bit his lower lip in a gesture that he knew drove her absolutely crazy. "I want you, belle."

"You're exasperating, you know that?"

He gave his signature bunny grin, flashing his slightly off kilter front teeth. "Oui."

Damn him and that French. He knew that she could barely understand two words of it and yet he knew for a fact that it drove her wild. But this time, she wasn't going to cave in. She pointed to the chair with absolutely no shift in emotion.

"Sit. Down." She bit out through clenched teeth. She was rewarded when his hand drifted back to his own lap and he positioned himself in the chair. He sighed before slouching slightly, disappointed that she hadn't caved into his advances. He propped his phone on the table, flicking through videos on Youtube while Amanda set to work on the braids.

Several sexually frustrated hours later...

"There. That wasn't so bad, now was it?" She purred, stepping back to admire her handy work. She ran her hands over his braids with pride but was stopped short when he picked her up without any warning and flung her over his shoulder. "Larry, what-"


"Did you just smack my ass?"

"Oui. That was for smacking me with the comb. Twice." She didn't have to see his face to know that he was grinning from ear to ear as he carried her through the house towards the direction of the bedroom. He sounded almost proud. "We will not be spending much time together, bebe. I want to make sure you won't forget me while I'm gone."

"I doubt I'm going to forget you, Lar. I told you before that I'm not going anywhere no matter what happens. You're stuck with me."

"I plan on making sure."

"Oh really? And how are you going to do that?"

A chuckle rumbled from him before he tossed her playfully onto the bed. She bounced briefly before coming to a rest on her elbows, staring up at the beautiful perfection that was Larry Bourgeois.

How had she ended up so lucky? Out of every other woman on earth, she of all people caught his attention

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How had she ended up so lucky? Out of every other woman on earth, she of all people caught his attention. Granted she had spilled her coffee on him by accident and her fumbling to clean his lap had ended up making them both flustered and embarrassed, but they had made small conversation during the process to lighten the atmosphere and had made plans to meet the following day in the same place with the hopes of having an accident free moment where they could get to know each other. That had been three years ago.

He crawled onto the bed, shifting so that he was above her, placing the palms of his hands on either side of her, effectively trapping her in place. He reached swiftly beneath the pillow, plucking something from beneath it before he leaned closer, that sinful mouth of his inches from her own.

"I'm going to ask you something, bebe and I want you to be honest with me."

"Of course. You know you can ask me anything." Clueless as to what was happening out of her line of vision, he removed something from the tiny box he had stashed the night before. He shifted his hand into her line of vision. Between the tip of his index finger and thumb sat the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. It gleamed in the waning sunlight filtering through the gauzy black curtains covering the windows. Her eyes didn't focus on it until he spoke.

"Will you marry me, belle?"

Her earthly brown eyes finally focused on what he held out to her and her mouth dropped open in shock.

"You better be serious, Larry Nicholas Bourgeois." She whispered softly.

"I've never been more serious, bebe. You have become my best friend. You are my soulmate. And you have become an important part in Leala's life. I want you as my wife, Amanda."

Tears brimmed her eyes as she turned them up to him. He watched her lower lip tremble as she parted them to give her response.

"You don't even have to ask. Yes, of course I will." She managed to choke out before the ugly crying started.

Elation surged through him and with a giddy expression, he slid the ring onto her finger before bringing it up to his lips. He kissed her hand before turning to finally claim her mouth, something he had been craving to do since they woke up this morning.

Author's Note: If you lovelies have any ideas you would like to see in one of these, please feel free to shoot me a message and I will see what can be done. I enjoy writing them for practice. :)

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