Claimed (Larry)

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She tapped her finger against the corner of document in front of her as her eyes shifted up to the man that stood across the table from her. She hadn't been expecting him to nearly burst into her office unannounced. She was, after all, at work, going over the details for a photo shoot that she was trying to secure the contract for. Her gaze shifted down to the gentleman clad in a rather expensive suit that sat to her left.

"Will you excuse me for a moment, Mr. Cavil?"

"Of course." He stood from the chair, re-buttoning his suit jacket. His eyes weren't exactly kind as they landed on the man that stood across the desk from her, but he slipped out of the office without a word. Amanda on the other hand, wasn't exactly pleased, but she knew that if he was here, there had to be a rather important reason. He almost never busted down her door like that, at least without calling her first. Though the look on his face right now, didn't seem exactly pleased. He looked; for lack of a better term, pissed.

"Why do you look like you're about to explode like a volcano, Larry?" She inquired, taking a seat in the chair that her client had vacated

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"Why do you look like you're about to explode like a volcano, Larry?" She inquired, taking a seat in the chair that her client had vacated. Rapid fire French followed. She let him spew for a few minutes before she lifted her hand to silence him. "Please try that in English. I have no idea what you just said."

He took a deep breath, leaning across the desk to nearly put his face in hers. She had to admit it was a nice face. A damned sexy one. Flawless mocha skin that nearly shimmered with a dusting of gold. He was like a statue of some deity that had been sculpted to perfection. They had met several years before during a photo shoot for some fashion magazine that she couldn't quite remember the name of at this point and time, but they had become instant friends. Flirting like crazy until their schedules had drawn them apart. They had still kept in touch, but even that had become sporadic now. Which was why she was currently confused as to why he was in her office, pissed off. Those sinful lips of his pulled back away from his straight white teeth in a mock snarl.

"Why did I have to hear from mon frere that you are now engaged?"

Amanda blinked in confused. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You heard me clearly, belle." He growled. He quite possibly would have been menacing if she hadn't known him as well as she did, though was he still the same now as he had been a couple of years ago? She had just run into him and his Twin Laurent at Fashion Week in Paris, but they had all been so busy that barely two words had been spoken between any of them that night.

"I have no idea where you got your information from, but they're clearly delu-" She was cut off when he slid his phone across the desk and beneath her nose. Clear as day on Instagram, there was some insane post about the photographer; best known for hanging around with Les Twins, becoming engaged to some mystery man. Her gaze shifted up towards his face and her right brow arched up as if she was silently asking him if he was serious. "You really believe an asinine post on social media off the internet? If I was engaged, Larry, not only would I know about it, but how would it be any of your business?"

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