Bring Them Back

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We were all pretty subdued as we shuffled out of Austin's room, all wrapped up in our own thoughts. I was trying to tell myself he'd be OK. Even though I'd only know him for less than twenty-four hours, it was still hard to leave a friend in the hospital. And I did already consider him a friend. We'd laughed, talked, hung out, and worked together. I could only imagine how his band mates were feeling. I felt so bad for them—if it were any of my group lying in the hospital, I'd be beside myself. I imagined Mitchie lying there and just about lost it myself. I bit my lip hard trying to avoid crying. They were already taking it hard. I glanced at Rob, who kept on taking his glasses off and rubbing at his eyes. Tim was gnawing on his thumb again with wide glassy eyes. Wonder if he even realized that he does that. Chance kept clenching his fists, fingers digging into his palms, though he maintained his neutral expression. Poor Adam kept twirling a lock of hair around his finger. The five of us, by some kind of spoken agreement, were giving them their space. If they needed us, they'd let us know. I prayed they knew we'd do anything we could for them. I'd already volunteered Mitch up for them, to stand in for Austin if need be. I closed my eyes. I hoped to God it wouldn't come to that.

Tim, shuffling his way down the hall alongside me, made a kind of a strangled noise, and I looked up and over at him. I frowned—he was acting really strange, shaking his head. Then he grabbed it and I swear my heart started to pound. His eyes, already wide and glassy, were out of focus and his breath was coming short and ragged—when he was actually breathing. His throat and Adam's apple were going crazy, moving up and down.

"Tim?" I whispered, scared about out of my mind.

Mitch, walking to my left, peered around me to look at him. I felt his hand clutch around my arm. "What—," he started to say as Tim waved us off.

I was not one bit convinced. "Tim!" I said louder. Avi, who was two steps in front of Mitch and me, turned around just as Tim collapsed. Avi's and my mouths dropped open and Mitch let out his typical scream. I smacked him. "Quit screaming!"

He lowered his scream to a whimper, still clutching my arm with a death grip. I felt tears spring to my own eyes and carefully pried his fingers off me. "Mitchie, let go."

He closed his mouth and just stood there, frozen, with tears rolling down his face. My heart officially broke at that point and I froze, torn between a collapsed Tim and a pitiful best friend.

"Scott," Avi said my name. "Focus."

"Help!" I started shouting, at the door of the hospital. Half of us had already spilled out and were presumably trying to catch a cab while Avi, Mitch, Tim, and I were back here. "Help! Help! Help! Help!" I stood there just squawking like a chicken with its head cut off. I was attracting attention. Though it was exactly what I wanted.

"Scott!" Avi yelled at me, already kneeled over by Tim.

"What's going on?" A nurse ran over to me. Wordlessly, I pointed to Tim, who was still out on the floor. I finally stopped screeching and went over to him only to get pushed back.

"Give us room!" she told Avi and me pushing him aside as well. He darted over to Mitch and me as the nurse yelled something into her radio, something about codes, and the three of us bunched further together.

"What happened to him?" Avi asked us, biting his lip.

"I dunnooo," Mitch moaned into my shoulder.

"He—," I started before hiccuping. I bent my head forward and pinched the bridge of my nose, forcing a breath out and back in. Both Avi and Mitch looked alarmed as I did this. "I'm fine. Pulling myself together."

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