Pulled Over

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Ninety-nine times out one hundred, I'm yelling at Kevin to take his foot off the brake and place it firmly on the accelerator to just drive. This time, however, I was cowering and praying to God that Mr. Speed Demon here wasn't about to take out one of the damn construction cranes that forever adorned LA. Beautification projects, my ass—the machines are ugly, industrial, and obtrusive. If they really wanted to beautify the city, they should stop tearing down buildings and leave the few wooded areas alone. That'd go a long way to restoring the beauty of what used to be California.

I winced and threw my bloody arm up over my eyes instinctively only to spray blood all over the dash. "Please, KO, be careful."

"I am, Av, I promise," he assured me, trying to maneuver around a row of parked cars on the side of the street. "Come on, people, get out of the way."

"You're scaring me," I whimpered, clamping a hand to my eyes.

"I'm scared myself," Kevin admitted. "For you. I don't want you to bleed to death."

"Well, I don't either, but—," I started before I heard the sirens come up behind us. "Shit, Kevin, of all times to get pulled over!"

I felt the car pull to the side of the road and I finally dared to open my eyes when we were no longer hurtling like a cannonball with a death wish through downtown LA.

Kevin rolled his window down. "With all due respect, ma'am—"

The officer did a double take at me. "Whoa. You gotta get him to the hospital."

"Yes, ma'am. I do," he affirmed with a nod. "May I please proceed to the hospital?"

"You really need an ambulance. That'd get you through blocked roads and traffic. There's been an accident on 81st, and that's what's brought everything to a standstill."

Starting to get a little woozy, I leaned my head on the window. "Uh-huh."

"Avi!" Kevin was near tears, his hand falling on my shoulder. "Please help us, Officer!"

She lifted her radio. "Unit 481, 81st and Verde, need medical assistance ASAP; citizen driving erratically due to having a severely injured passenger in the car... yes, please... thanks." She tucked her radio in her belt. "Ambulance will be here very quickly, Mr., ahh..."

"Kevin Olusola, and this is Avi Kaplan," Kevin introduced us.

"Pull over to the side and we'll get you both transferred into the ambulance, OK?" she advised.

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

He lurched to the side, me clamping a blood soaked hand to my poor arm. He'd already gotten out of the car by the time I'd managed to wrap fingers around the door handle, my head now officially spinning.

The officer stuck her head in Kevin's open window. "Just stay there, sir, until the EMTs get here."

"Kay," I mumbled, not needing much encouragement to stay put. Honestly, I wasn't sure if I could get out; I felt like I was moving in slow motion, as though every movement took everything I had. Shit, I felt about as bad as I had several days ago after nearly drowning. "Kevin..."

"Kevin!" the officer called to him as my voice barely carried in the car, let alone to him. "Avi wants you."

Kevin threw himself back into the car, near crying. He squeezed my hand. "Hang in there, Avi, help is coming, OK? OK." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"Trying," I whispered, letting my head drop to his chest as I tried to blink my eyes into focus. Wished I could see straight; it was giving me a headache.

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