American Society of Neurological Surgeons

119 5 1


"Come on, come on, let's go, gotta go!"


"Can't get left behind!"

"Come on, Rob, move!"

"Go, go, go!"

"Rob, come on!"

"Pick up your feet!"

"Get outta the way, whoever you are!"

"Are they leaving already?"



Oh holy cow. I was developing a massive headache without my glasses, my eyes trying to compensate for my shitty vision, and everyone shouting in my ear was not helping. Where the hell'd Tim, Austin, and Avi go? They were right next to me. Didn't seem to be anymore. I reached for a blurry figure. "Excuse me, I'm looking for—"

"Move or we'll be late!" the guy snapped at me.

"I got nothing to be late for," I muttered. "Tim! Austin! Avi!"

"What're you shouting for?" someone next to me grunted, trying to push me forward,

"Rob!" someone yelled as we spilled out onto the front drop-off/ pick-up area.

"What?" I yelled, trying to ignore the hubbub going on around me. I squinted at a large white vehicle. All I could tell was that it was of substantial size and was white—just seemed like a very large smudge of paint. Damn vision. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to see better. "Austin!" No answer, other than a hand on my back, pushing me towards the vehicle. What the hell's this all about? I blinked several times, trying to clear up the fog, as if that'd help. "Tim!"

"Get in the van!" someone told me.

I paused, fighting with the instinct to not get in an unknown vehicle when I couldn't seem to locate my friends. "Avi!" I called out, really wishing I hadn't dropped the one workable lens I'd had.

"What?" Avi answered and I finally started to stop panicking.

"Where are you , Avi?" I grasped out with my hands blindly, trying to find him. Maybe if I could just hold onto his elbow or something, I could make my way through the world.

"Van. Where I belong," he said.

Van. Avi belonged in the van. Then I guess I belonged in the van too. I reached out, trying to find something to hold on to while I climbed in. Someone—sounded like Chance, from the way he was breathing—put a hand on my back to steady me while I got on. "Thanks, Chance."

He just grunted at me. I settled down in the first empty seat I found and turned to look at the person sitting next to me, squinting my eyes in vain hopes of an even slightly clearer picture. Was that Adam? I tilted my head to the side. Yes, that blur looks like his frame.... his hair seemed a little bit short, but I could be imagining that, I supposed. The vehicle pulled forward, taking us to LensCrafters—I hoped. I couldn't take much more of this. I turned to look at everyone else. Where was Tim? Where was Avi? I found what I was fairly certain was Austin in the row in front of me.

"Austin... Austin!" I said, my tone getting more urgent when he didn't answer. I tapped him. "Hey, Austin!" I tapped him on the shoulder and he finally turned around. "Austin?"

"Are you talking to me?" she asked uncertainly.

I froze. Shit, that's a woman. "You're—you're not Austin."

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