An Unplanned Journey

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"Ohhh my God," I groaned, pushing back from the table and feeling my belt dig into me.  I looked down at my pants and flicked a kernel of corn off of my knee then loosened my belt before it cut me in half.

    Elizabeth, my sister-in-law, giggled at me.  "I warned you not to pile your plate that high."

    "But it all looked so good," I moaned, still eyeing the chocolate pie she and Matt had made.  She was an amazing cook, and I knew that pie would be out of this world.

    "It was awesome.  I am as stuffed as that turkey was," Matt agreed, a hand on his own stomach.

    "Please, take more," Mom groaned, looking over at the counter, overflowing with food.  "We've got so much.  I'd been expecting Granny to come over to our house, not to run on a last-minute vacation to Florida."

    "A beach would be awesome."  I grinned wistfully, seeing myself lying on cool sand with hot sun pouring down on me, baking me to a nice tan, a book in one hand and a tropical drink in the other.

    Little Emily tugged at Elizabeth's sleeve.  "Mama, can we open gifts now?"

    "Sure, baby," she said, standing up.  She moved over to the counter and started making extra plates to take home later.  "Give me five minutes and I'll be there."

    Feeling like an overgrown sluggish sleepy sloth, I stood up and made my way to Mom's living room.  I'd emptied my sack of presents earlier under the tree, so I dropped down and started sorting gifts out.  Let's see, two for Emily (I couldn't wait to see the look on her face when she saw the doll I'd gotten for her that I knew she was dying for), one small but sweet and thoughtful present for Elizabeth, a large one for both of them, then a medium-sized one for Matt, and a long skinny one for Mom.  I grinned as I put it by her favorite chair.  She never bought stuff for herself, always putting us—her family—ahead of her own wants.  I knew she'd be tickled pink to see what I'd gotten for her.  I'd just settled down in the recliner ready for a good unwrapping session when my phone started ringing insistently at me.  Ugh.  Who was calling me now?  I'd already received an automated sales call early this morning, then two wrong numbers around noon.  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and eyed it warily only to burst out in a grin.  Tim.  Yay, someone I wanted to talk to this time!  I sincerely hoped he was having a decent Christmas.  That wife of his was a piece of work.  I did not like her one bit and would gladly tell her what I thought of her for treating Tim the way she had.

    I pressed the phone to my ear and issued a cheery greeting.  "Ho-ho-ho, Tim, merry Christmas!"

    Emily tugged on my pant leg, offering up a colorful present.  "Unca Adam, Unca Adam, this one's for you!"

    I took it in my hand.  "Thank you, sweetie!"  Hearing nothing but yelling on Tim's end, I started to frown.  Were he and Jenika having a fight?  "Tim?" I asked uncertainly.

    My heart dropped when I heard sobbing on the other end, hard and desperate sobbing.  I stood up, terrified.  "Tim!  Talk to me!"

    "Unca Adam, open it!" Emily squealed, clapping her little hands together.

    "Just a minute, sweetie," I told her absently, setting it down on the recliner.

    "Ch-Chance," Tim finally got out between heart-wrenching sobs.

    Oh my God.  What the hell was wrong?  His voice was twisted beyond all recognition; he didn't even sound like himself.  If I didn't have caller ID, I'd have sworn it wasn't him.  Because it didn't sound like him.  "Tim.  What's wrong?"

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