Austin's Lost Shirt

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I leaned my head back, watching the pretty lights dance as I swung my hips side to side, keeping up with the beat, giggling as my drunk as hell brain processed the alternating green, blue, and purple lights pulsating to the music. I normally don't get drunk. It takes a lot to get me drunk. I'm six foot four, strong, more weight than really necessary, but it does help to slow down complete and total inebriation. I'd watched Adam and Austin get drunk fairly quickly, the skinny lightweights. I took my eyes off the ceiling and stumbled a little, putting my hand out to steady myself but falling on my knees anyway.

"Oww," I gasped out, struggling to stand as Adam and Austin waltzed past me, together. I snorted, resorting to crawling off the dance floor to use a chair to help me up. Mitch and Scott were now coming out from behind the shot bar. Rumor had it they were getting blowjobs from the bartender. I wondered how accurate that was. They got drunk pretty quickly too; course, they started with shots and no telling what was in them either.

Finally making it to my feet (and stepping on my own toes), I saw Avi dancing with Meghan. He'd gotten plastered fast too. Kevin had said he didn't really drink much anyway. I saw Chance and Kirstie out of the corner of my eye, totally wrapped up in each other, and I did a double-take, knocking myself over again. Goddamn, I am so out of it! I decided to just sit there, pervertedly watching Chance and Kirstie make out, his hand in her hair, hers slipping down into his waistband. I snorted. Not really my business. Not like either of them were really married. I knew she was engaged, but it still didn't make much of an impression on me. Where was Tim? I glanced around, finding Kevin now walking around with a drink—not a bottle of water this time. So he'd finally given in. I wondered what he'd decided to indulge in and started to stand up slowly so as not to fall on my ass again. Oh, there's Tim. With Selena. Wait just a damn minute. I froze, staring at my good friend, watching as their faces were drawing close to each other. No, bud, don't do it, no. I shook my head. I knew he and Jenika were having issues, but still, to kiss another woman? He was drunk too—hell, we all were at this point—but I could't possibly rectify or quiet my mind as their lips touched. No. You'll regret it in the morning. Some things you can't take back. I started in their direction to break it off between them. I couldn't let one of my best friends make a big mistake. I was relieved when Tim pulled back fairly quickly, shaking his head at her. Good, good, that's right, set her straight. Be nice, but be firm. I slowed my frantic pace, still keeping a close eye on them. Selena picked up his hand and was looking at it. Had he ever put his wedding ring back on? Come on Tim, tell her you're married. Fighting, but married nonetheless.

"Hey, Wob," Austin said, plunking a hand down awkwardly on my shoulder. "Come here—ya gotta hear this."

I turned to him, blinking when I saw two Austins. I blinked my eyes hard, trying desperately to actually focus. "Just a minute."

"C'mon." He tugged at my arm weakly, knocking both our drunk asses over.

"Damn it, Austin," I grumbled, getting on all fours to give me even a chance to stand up.

"Sorry!" Austin laughed, grabbing onto a wall to stand up. "God, I'm drunker than I ever was even at my fraternity parties."

I gestured to Tim and Selena, who were leaning into each other again, her touching his face seductively. Damn it, girl, go seduce a single man, not one of my married friends!

"So? They're kissing," Austin said, very blasé. "It's a free country. He can kiss who he wants."

I lifted my left hand to show him my own wedding ring and he actually flinched as though I would hit him. "He's married," I tried to explain, then put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "Fighting, but he does have a wife."

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