Stubborn Streak

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Ohhhh my God. I had so much music and instructions my brain, my poor little head was pounding and fixing to explode. Do this, sing that, here's some new stuff, here's some new new stuff, heyyyy, would you mind singing this too? And stupid me said 'sure!' Ugh, I could kick myself. Just take on the world, why don't ya? Let's try playing Superman next, why don't we?

I felt a hand fall on my back. "What're you waiting for? Go on—we're already late. We're wasting time, click click click, tick tock tick tock."

"Kevin, you are getting on my nerves," I said tiredly, moving just quickly enough to get away from him. I'll get there when I got there.

"Well, too bad," he told me. "Please get up there on that stage."

Pffft. Stubborn me took that as an invitation to go a little slower even. Take that, Task Mater Kevin! What I didn't expect was for them to start without me. Feeling a bit miffed, I doot-doot-dooted a touch off-pitch, as I ran down the aisle. Hoped I was doing the right song. I barely knew which way was up anymore. I bypassed the steps and just put my hands up on the stage and started to pull myself up. Kirstie peered down at me and my right hand slipped, causing me to fall backwards.

"Owww," I howled. "Shit!"

"Oh for God's sake," Scott muttered as Avi finished his verse of Hallelujah. "Get up here."

"I'm working on it!" I snapped, starting to climb up again. Kirstie took two steps in my direction and I startled, my left hand now slipping as I fell back down again. I heard a few people start to laugh at me. Bitches. I pulled my legs under me, just to hear us jump into our chorus. I started to climb up again, but this time Scott pushed me down.

"Just use the steps, for shit's sake!" he whispered at me.

"Don't freaking push me," I grumbled, breathless, as he'd knocked the wind out of my lungs. I did, however, turn towards the steps. Oh shit, my cue. Always fun and easy to really belt out songs when you're still trying to catch your breath. Ah, hell. They're getting what I give them. And right now, they'll be lucky to get a normal-volume verse—bonus points if I'm actually on pitch, having missed the beginning of the song. Serves 'em right, starting without me. Some friends. I took a stab at my first note. Damn. Too high. Avi tried to help me by giving me my note. I adjusted myself to match pitch, but of course, came in way low. Serves me right for taking cues from a bass. Readjusting, I overshot it and turned myself sharp.

"Mitch!" Kirstie hissed, staring at me.

I tried to lower myself to the note and wound up half step flat. She started singing my verse with me and I was finally able to get on top of my notes, but as soon as she stopped, I went sharp again. Ah hell. I finished my verse sharp and when the song was over, I had to request a redo.

Kevin stared at me. "I don't think I've ever heard you have so much trouble."

"Ah, shut it," I grumbled. "Let's just do it again. Y'all did start without me."

"I told you to get a move on," he reminded me sternly.

"Ah, give him a break, KO," Scott defended me. "Let's just start over. Mitch, clear your mind, take a breath, and just do it like you always do. Flawlessly."

Breath. I filled my lungs and let it out. Check. Mind. I tried to clear it and took a second to rid it of the image of a dancing blueberry that flashed through it (dancing blueberry? Really? That's so freaking random, Mitch!). Check. "OK, I'm good."

"OK, listen carefully, Mitch," Kevin ordered, pitching us. I must have given him a super dirty look, because he shot me a wounded look.

"Get it?" Kirstie whispered as Scott started singing. I nodded. Listening through Scott's, Avi's, and Kirstie's verses, I was right in tune for mine. We sailed right on into our second song, then waved Home Free up for our O Come All Ye Faithful rehearsal. Stagehands brought out our props and we all got situated.

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