Cut Off

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Oh. My. God. In all my life, all forty years I'd been on this earth, all fifteen years I'd been dealing with nutty people in the security business, I had never encountered a nut like that dude. An Epipen. Of all things, a freaking Epipen. I hadn't personally been the one to check that guy on his way in (at a level yellow, we'd had to use the metal detector wands on everyone), but even if I had been, there would have been nothing any of us could have done. It's medical equipment. Granted, it had not been used in its intended capacity, but good God. I myself had let in two diabetic ladies, one with a syringe and insulin and one with an implanted pump. We just can't deny life-sustaining medical devices. I'd've never imagined in a million years that an Epipen could be used in a nefarious manner. I'd be kicking myself for years to come, even though I'd followed protocol to a tee. I was super glad a patrol car had been not a block away when it had happened. It had been near perfect timing. As soon as Fred knocked that nut into next week, he could parade him right into the hands of the police. The other guy just needed to be ejected, but the guy who'd attempted assault with a deadly (lifesaving?) weapon needed to be arrested. Fred and I were able to give a quick account and just turn right back around and into the building.

"You ever get the Epipen, Fred?" I asked, watching two super excited women start to literally bounce out the exit door.

He wiped his brow. "No, didn't get the chance. Most of us were starting the exiting procedures and Gen was with the performers. You and I were busy with those numb-nuts."

"Wanna radio for it?" Oh hell, guess I could get it myself. Someone had to. "Never mind. I can do it." He was just staring past me, so, after a quick glance backwards to ensure nothing else fishy was going on, I went off into the rapidly-emptying auditorium. I stepped over a spilled Coke and wished once again they'd make people eat their snacks in the concession area. Nooo, Lance, we got to let them snack during the concert! Then they'll eat more and come out and buy more! Money, income, profit. That's what it always comes down to—the bottom line.

I pulled my glove out of my pocket and leaned over to pick up the Epipen. My hand was literally three inches away from the bioweapon when Fred decided to announce its presence.

"Orange," he stated, making me roll my eyes. Dude, this threat is going to be recovered in less than a second and secured in one minute. No use freaking everyone out now. Guaranteed Home Free and Pentatonix were backstage in a panicked tizzy. I'd seen their scared faces as they peeked out the door behind Gen. I didn't know how much more Tim could handle. He was already under an inordinate amount of stress with his legal battles, and from what I could gather, he was innocent of any wrongdoing. I seriously couldn't picture him doing the things he was accused of. He's got a sarcastic mouth on him and he is quick-witted, but all in all, he was a kind person who looked out for the people he loved. All of Home Free think the world of him and I could see why. He's a good person. And good people don't abuse wives. Defamation of character. He should seriously sue her for defamation of character. Being a high profile celebrity, he ought to not have any problems winning that case, especially with a good attorney. And that Elliott guy's already proven his worth with the subpoena debacle. Not to mention poor Austin, pushed to the brink and having his own panic attacks now. I felt for him, I truly did. He was trying to help Tim in so many regards, trying to hold up for him, but it—the legal courtroom battles, the near-constant fear of threats, everything—was slowly crumbling him from the inside. They all had to depend on each other. Together, they are stronger than any one individual could be. I personally believed Tim was stronger mentally than he gave himself credit for, though it was clear he was at his max. He was dealing with a hell of a lot, but he's still here, still fighting it. Austin too; he could get through this, I knew within my soul that he could. I seriously thought that once he knew Tim was safe, he'd be fine. Chance was my biggest question. Near impossible to read—and I'm good at reading people. He threw up defenses. Even when he was scared with Elway and Dean, he'd showed no emotion. I had no doubt he'd been hurt in his past, deeply, probably by someone he trusted. Or should be able to trust. And Rob and Adam... Adam, the unspoken leader, the backbone, the gel, the heart of Home Free. Rob, the fun-loving guy with a quick smile who would do anything in the world for his friends. Calm and level-headed Kevin, easygoing, quiet, and sensitive Avi. Kirstie had spunk to spare and a big heart when it came to animals and her friends. Sassy Mitch who, underneath it all, had his own self-doubt. Scott, who looked out for Mitch and Kirstie near to a fault and loved Kevin and Avi faithfully. I'd grown to respect and actually really care for each of them.

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