Together Again

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I reached up and grabbed my seatbelt, adjusting it downwards for the umpteen millionth time. Kevin gave me a small sympathetic smile.

"Seatbelt bothering your arm?"

"Yeah." I shifted to the right, away from the bothersome belt. No matter how I twisted or moved, the belt squeezed my body and the edge kept hitting awkwardly at the bandages. Yeah. Now I was in actual pain, now that I was away from all medical professionals. Figures. "I'm in pain, Kevin."

He reached into the console and dug out the Walgreens bag, finding my pills and handing the bottle to me. "We should have picked up water. You can have a piece of my spearmint gum though." He gave it a wry look.

"Won't help." Grimacing, I forced my arm and hand to work through the pain and pushed the seatbelt clasp open. "I'm going into the hotel. They ought to at least have a water fountain.

Kevin nodded, then gave the sign indicating this spot was for hotel patrons ONLY, under penalty of law, a look. "Wonder what that penalty is and if it's something I can deal with easily enough."

"Don't push it," I advised. Pausing in it with a running car was already dancing on infringing it. "I'll be back. And I'll be fine."

"OK," he said nervously.

I crawled out of the car, cradling my arm protectively. Last thing I wanted was someone to bump into it accidentally. I crossed the parking lot and headed to the front door as Austin walked out of it. Just Austin, none of the other guys.

"Austin?" I asked uncertainly, still looking around for the others.

"What?" he asked, pulling his jacket tighter around him. "Yeah. It's just me. Rob told me to go away. So I'm going away."

I paused, troubled by this piece of information. "That's not very nice of him."

"No. It's not," he agreed, still fiddling with the jacket as though it was causing him problems. "They all seem pissed off at me for some reason. And I don't really know why."

"I'm sorry they're treating you like that," I told him, now wondering what Home Free's problem was and if they had a legitimate gripe against him. But even if they did, they ought to tell him what the issue was.

"Whatever." Austin shrugged. "I'm going to the car."

"OK," I said softly, watching him for a moment and feeling bad for him. Finally, I walked into the hotel, wincing from the pain even that movement made. Let's see if we can find a water fountain or vending machine here. I gave the lobby a quick once-over, eyes zeroing in on a container with lemon water. That'd work. I put the pill bottle down on the table and stuck a Dixie cup under the spigot, resting my arm on the table. Just a few drops came out before a lemon quarter that had been bobbing around seemed to catch on the opening, wedged in place, and clogged the spigot.

"Really?" I asked it. I wiggled the spigot a few times to try to dislodge it but it remained firmly stuck in place. I smacked at the container with the heel of my right hand. Stupid lemon. I gave it one last shake. Still no luck. I turned and headed over to the front desk, where Ben was busy checking in a couple. I hung out to the side to wait until he had a minute.

He glanced at me within a few seconds and nodded to acknowledge that he'd seen me. Frowning slightly, he gestured towards the door, where the rest of Home Free was walking out. Guess Chance got his medicine and Adam, his underwear. And apparently, got into it with Austin for some reason. I nodded at Ben, not rightly caring what Home Free was doing at the moment, and pointed to the clogged water dispenser. He gave me a one-minute sign and I nodded.

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