I Can't Tell You

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Chris Pov

I can tell by the way she looked at me she didnt wanna answer that question but i couldnt just let it go. Something fucking happened and I don't like how everybody knows except me.

She sighed then looked down

"Why does it even matter"She shrugged

"Because I want to know"Before she said something we heard Zayden started crying,

"I'll get him but we aint done with this convo "I said getting up going to his room.

He was sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes crying,I smiled before walking over and picking him up

"You must have had a bad dream lil man"I grabbed a diaper and took him to the living room and sat him on the couch turning on some cartoons for him

"What's wrong with him"Jay asked walking out the kitchen with a bag of chips

"I think just a bad dream"I said

"From eating all that junk food "She picked him up kissing his cheek and l sat him on her lap an

"Thats exactly why he spoiled now"I said laughing

"So what,this my baby"She kissed his head

"And what about me"I said pouting

"You were my baby"She looked at me

"Well regaurdless you're still mines,always will be"I said,She blushed and rolled her eyes

"Well im about to go put him in the tub and try to put him back to sleep"

"Ok I'll be right here waiting on us to finish out conversation "I said getting comfortable on the couch

"Of course"She said leaving.....

Jaylen's Pov

After putting Zayden in the tub as soon a I put his pajamas on he fell asleep and I was about to do the same until i realized Chris was still here,I walked in the living room where he was all into the tv and stood by the couch

"Chris im goin to sleep so,if you want to stay you can or if you want to leave just lock the door behind you"He looked at me and smiled

"Wat you smiling for"I asked

"Nun you just cute"I laughed

"Thank you,Goodnight Breezy"I said hitting his leg and goin to my room.

I cant even lie to myself anymore but God knows i love and miss this boy,I just wish i knew how this was gonna be.......

The Next Morning

I woke up feeling kind of sick,I had a headache out this world and a bad fever.

I sighed before getting up only to be pulled back down by Chris.

Chris snuck his way into my bed last night and instead of putting him out I let him stay,really because I wanted him to.

"Where you goin"He said holding on to me tight still half asleep

"To check on Zayden then to the bathroom"I said,He laughed and kissed my cheek before letting me go

I stood up and walked out and into Zayden's room,He was sitting on the floor playing with the toys he got for his birthday.

"Wat you doin Zay"I said pinching his cheek

"Toys"He said pointing,I coughed a little away from him

"Well are you hungry"He nodded

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