Sweet Little Girl

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No one P.o.v 

Nightmare and his gang just looked at the girl in front of them. She got pretty uncomfortable with all the staring and slowly sank her head down in her scarf trying to hide. Killer walked over to her. She slowly backed away making Killer stop.

"Error don't you recognize us?" He asked.

"N-no, but y-you all s-seems so f-familiar," She said. Killer walked over to her again. Error still wasn't fully sure about this and backed away again but killer was close enough to pull her into a hug. She hugged back after a while. Killer could sens something. Tricky magic coming from Errors wrist. Killer let go of Error and ignored the magic. He kneeled down to Errors height. 

"Do you wanna play hide and seek?" He asked. Errors eye lid up as she nodded.

"I'll count and you'll hide k?" Killer asked as Error ran off to find a good hiding spot.

"Killer what did you do?" Nightmare asked.

"I started a game of hide and seek, let's just hope she doesn't know about the hallways in the walls," Killer said. Error ran over to a painting she didn't know why though but the next thing she knew was that she was walking through the maze until she came to a room that felt safe to her she walked in. The room wasn't big nor small it had the perfect size for someone to live in it. There was a bed in the corner of the room beside the bed was there a nightstand with a small stuff animal on it. There was a closet in the room the closet door was open and Error could see a dollhouse inside it. She walked over to the closet and pulled the dollhouse out. There were no dolls. Error turned into a bitty before walking into the house.  She looked around before sitting on a bed in the small house. Now she only needs to wait until someone finds her. As for killer an hour had gone by and now everyone is looking for her. Error fell asleep on the bed making her unable to hear them calling for her. Nightmare sone found the room. He instantly felt the aura of the room. He also saw the dollhouse and opened it. He could sense a peaceful aura come from the house. He was surprised at the sight of Error sleeping peacefully. He gently picked up the house thinking Error might like to keep it. He walked out of the room and quickly got lost. He hasn't used these halls in eight years... However, Errors magic could sens him getting stressed and showed him the way out by making one string leading to the nearest exit. Nightmare noticed the blue line and followed it. He sone came to an exit and hurried out. Meanwhile, Ink was working day and night making an army bigger than before.

"No matter where you are my Treasure will I find you," He mumbled to himself. Creating strong soldiers that couldn't think for themselves. Then an Idea struck him. He began to create something That'll make sure he finds his Little treasure.

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