Take your medicine. Dammit

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Error P.o.v

I Could feel someone carrying me while stroking my skull softly. They also had my hands tied together. I slowly opened my eyes. At first, I saw a blurry figure holding me but the figure turned into my father. I was scared I recognized the place the lab. I tried to get away I'm not going to be experimented on again. I tried to get away in one fast movement and succeed! I broke the strings around my hands as I ran There was no way in hell I was going to let him use me as a lab rat again. I heard him call my name but I opened a portal and ran through. The only reason I let him get close to me before was that I didn't believe that I would survive. I was back in the anti-void and looked up at the ceiling. I used my strings to drag me up there before laying on them trying to calm myself down. I made a blanket and wrapped myself into it. Trying to hide into the warmth of the blue blanket.

Nightmare P.o.v

Ability called me and said that Error had run away the second she woke. So now I need to find her. I told my gang about it and they helped me. I was in Outertale looking for her but nothing. then it hit me the only place she dared to let her guards down was in the Anti-void. I opened a portal to the anti-void walking through and instantly feeling the self-hatred from Error. I took out my phone and texted the others. 'I can sens her in the Anti-void so I'm going to make a portal for you. so be ready' I made the first portal for Killer. Killer ran off before I could say anything. But then I looked up. it looked like all the strings meet at on special point. I let the rest in and summoned a GB (Gaster Blaster). I stepped up onto its head and made it go up. Yes, I might be able to stretch my tentacles far but not that far. I sone arrived there. I crawled around up her and sensing her self-hatred much stronger. I followed my senses. suddenly my phone dialed. I took it

"What is it dust?"

"Well, we found fresh blood dripping down from the strings,"

"I'm going to check it out since I'm already here," I dismissed the call and continued climbing around in her. sone finding two heavily bleeding arms hanging out of a fluffy blue blanket. I  climbed over to her she passed out from blood loss. I opened a portal and got some bandages And wrapped her arms up. I took my phone and texted the others.' Found 'er ' I picked her up gently.  Wrapping her into the blanket and picked her up. I laid her head against my chest and supported it so I wouldn't just hang. I summoned my GB again Walking onto it and made it take me down. I noticed that Her skull had deep claw marks. I took her home to the castle laying her in her room. Ability left some pills on the table that should help her. I grabbed them took a glass of water and walked back to her room. I sat her up and made her swallow the pills while she's still sleeping. No big deal but she woke and threw up on the ground the pills now laid on the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS YOU TRYING TO GET ME TO SWALLOW?!?!" She yelled at me. She could barely stand but tried anyway. 

"Calm down Error it was just some painkiller since I know you're in a lot of pain Right now," I said and walked over to her. Gently picking her up

"I can walk on my own you know," She said.

You can barely stand so no you can't," I replied taking her back to the bed. I took two pills.

"Now Error, eat your pills so you can rest for a bit,"  I tried to push them into her mouth. But she refused. I kept on trying. Killer sone walks in.

"Need some help?" He said with a grin.

"Yes," I replied

"Error if you take your pills I'll go get you some chocolate," He tried to lure her.

"Nope," she said. He left.

"Gezs what a help," I tried for thirty minutes before killer came back with some chocolate.

"Error here," He said giving her a pice.

"Not before she takes her pills," Error already took it and ate it.

"She just did I melted some chocolate and put some pills in it," Killer whispered to me. Sone Error was sleeping soundly.

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