What happened to him?

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Error P.o.v

I woke by a pain in my skull I noticed blood on my arms and hands. I had an urge to claw my skull to cut to hurt myself I probably deserve it anyway. I made a knife and began. Sitting in my bed not noticing someone enter before they grabbed my hands.

"Why are you cutting, Error?" I didn't answer them. 

"Come one Error Why do you hate yourself that much?" He asked

"Nightmare Just forget it... It's not important," I said He held me close I would be crashing now but I trust him enough to let him touch me. He gently stroked my still bleeding skull. He carried me to the closest bathroom and cleaned my self-inflicted wounds. I stood on the floor waiting for Nightmare to turn his back on me and he did I just opened the door walking out not caring. Killer was walking in my direction with a big smile. 

"Hey, Error Wanna prank The grumpy octopus if yes turn yourself into a bitty," I smiled and did as told before being scooped up.  He got a small box from his pocket and laid me in it. It had a very soft fabric inside. I cuddled into it as the lid was put on. 

"Killer, have you seen Error?" Nightmare asked


"You're lying Killer I can sens it, So where is she," I got an Idea and teleported away after hearing 

"What do you have in that box?" I was back in my room sitting in a small dollhouse. It gave off a really calming aura. I sat there Enjoying the peace until Nightmare opened the door and I teleported back to the box. Yes, I trust him but I like to annoy the living daylight out of him. Killer opened the box.

"How did nightmare not notice you?" He asked

"Kills... It's called teleportation," I said.

"Kills?" He looked confused

"Yup that's a nickname," I smiled he just closed the box. After a few minutes was the box opened again and a cookie was laid down to me.

"Enjoy Ruru," Killer said.

"Why Ruru?" I asked

"It was a name Blue came up with..." Killer slowly went silent.

"What's wrong? and where is Blue? I haven't seen him in a long time," 

"Error, Ink killed blue for eight years ago," His face went dark. I jumped out of the box and became normal sized. 

"Where is Carrot?" I asked

"An alcoholic in the swap universe," 

"Blues dust?"

"in blues old bedroom," That was the last thing I heard before I made a portal to the swap universe and walked into the skeleton brothers' house. I walked inside to see a sobber carrot who tried to get drunk again. I took the bottle of vodka from him. He looked like someone who had never closed his eyes nor stopped crying in years. He had dirty clothed and could really need a bath.

"You're coming with me," I said after I got blues dust.

"LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" He yelled at me.

"You calm down and I'll trie to revive him," I said as I dragged Carrot with me into one of Blues favorite place. I took off the lid to the jar that blues dust laid in.

"Carrot I need a piece of your soul to revive your brother," Carrot summoned his soul without wanting to.

"You need to trust me," I broke off a small piece of his soul. I gently rubbed my wrist as something started to form. a soul I took the piece from carrots soul and fused them together before setting the soul into the dust I made some cloths onto the dust that was slowly forming into Blue. Carrot watched in shock as his brother slowly got alive again. Blue looked around scared before looking at his brother and tackling him down in a hug. I fell to my knees exhausted. Blue ran over to me hugging me.

"ERROR ARE YOU OKAY!?" he yelled into my ear.

"Yeah it's just exhausting to revive someone from the dead," I said before passing out. 

No one P.o.v

Carrot was crying in happiness as he ran home and hurried to clean up and hide the bottles of alcohol. While blue was carrying Error home. Nightmare was beginning to get a panic attack since he couldn't find nor sens Error. Killer ended up telling Nightmare about the prank and the talk he had with Error. Nightmare waisted no time teleporting to underswap as he was sure Error was here and she was. He was surprised to see Blue alive. At first, did nightmare think that Error swapped her life for blues but then he saw that she moved a bit. He ended up having a conversation with Blue.

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