Give the kitty a cuddle and a cookie

610 37 18

Error P.o.v 

I woke to find myself inside Blues bedroom. I tried to stand up but found myself too tired to do that. I decided to call nightmare so he knew where I was. I called but he didn't pick it up. I tried again before the door opened and reviled him. 

"Hi, nightmare... I can't stand," I said sitting on the bed.

"I have a solution for that," He said. There was something in his voice that I didn't trust. the next thing I know is that I'm suddenly lifted and I crashed.

"uhh didn't expect for that to happen," Nightmare said.

Rebooting 10%

"WHAT HAPPENED?!?" Blue asked.

Rebooting 23%

"I lifted her since she couldn't stand and I don't believe that she could walk either," Nightmare said

Rebooting 50%

"Let's just hope that it doesn't last 24 hours again," Carrot said

"I should probably get her home..." Nightmare said.

Rebooting 74%

*sound of an opening portal* "See ya" 

Rebooting 89%

*sound of a closing portal**kiss sound* Something touched my cheek. "I seriously hope that she couldn't feel that," Nightmare mumbled. Did he just kiss me?

Rebooting 100%

I slowly regained my vision hiding my blush. 

"Are you okay Error?" Nightmare asked

"Y-yeah," Why did I stutter? My mother kicked open the door with a plate of cookies in her hands. She took one and stuffed into my mouth.

"Eat Error, You haven't eaten anything today," she said. Well, it's true. I swallowed it and began to feel weird.

"Mom what did you put in those cookies?" I asked holding my stomach. She looked like she just realized something

"Wait I might have swapped my secret ingredient with a potion again..." She said. God not again.

"What potion is it this time?" I asked as the weird feeling disappeared. I looked at nightmare Who had a baby blue hue on his cheek.

"Nightmare are you okay? your face is baby blue," I said. Which only made it worse.

"He's fine but to answer your question. look at the mirror," I did as told and felt my face heat up. I saw two royal blue and red ears together with a Royal blue tail. to top it all of was my ecto body summoned as my chest barely fits. 

"Nightmare get the fuck out!" I yelled without looking at him. I heard the door open and close.

"Mom, what the hell?" I looked at her.

"Well... I'll find a solution for this, But I gotta say you look hot as hell like that," She said 

"Moooooooooom,"  I yelled at her grabbing a pillow and pushing it into her face. She just laughed. I walked over to my bed and hide my body under the covers. I too of my shit to at least be able to breathe even though I don't need it. I took some yarn and knitting sticks (I have no idea what they are called.) and began to knit a sweater that would fit around my chest. I kept on eyeing the yarn ball wanting to play with it so bad that I didn't realize that I finished the sweater. I looked at the sweater I made and wore it. How the hell is my chest so big while my mother is flat? I don't know but will you quit complaining or do I have to shut you the hell up? I looked at the yarn and gave up on resisting the urge to play. I sone found myself stuck in all the yarn balls that I had. Goddamit. What are you going to do now mistake? I tried to wrinkle-free then tried to use my own string to help me... I ended up in an even worse situation. I got one of my strings to get my phone. 

"Siri Call mom,"  I dialed but for no response.

"Siri Call nightmare," He picked it up.

"What is it Error?" He asked

"Can you come up to my room with a scissor?" I asked

"Why? can't you get it yourself?" He asked

"I'm a little tied up in the moment so can you?" I asked 

"Fine," He said. And came a few minutes later. He opened the door and closed it not noticing me on the floor yet.

"Here I still don't understand why you coul-" He looked at me before falling to the floor laughing.

"Yeah It's SOOOOOOOOO funny will you cut me free now?" I said in the most sarcastic voice I could muster.

"Okay but *Breath* How did you*Laugth* Manage to get your right foot stuck on your left shoulder?" He asked trying to calm down.

"I did?" He took a mirror and showed the position I laid in. Right foot Left shoulder. left hand on hips. right hand on left knee. left foot on tail tip. head bent backward. This position is surprisingly comfortable if it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't move. Nightmare decided to take advantages of that and scratched me behind the ears. I surprisingly didn't crash but began to purr as he continued he ended up cutting me free.  I quickly stood up.

"Thanks and let's not talk about this..." I said looking away in embarrassment before he began to pet me again.

"Error can you turn into a cat like nekos normally can?" He asked I shrugged and walked over to my bed. He follows pushing me down so we laid and cuddled with me. My sleeves rolling up as we did showing my cuts

"Why do you hate yourself that much?" He asks. He tried to say something after a few minutes

"I killed so many innocents I tortured them even though I never wanted to I did. not to mention that I c-couldn't be thrown into the anti-void w-without an r-reason," I began to cry.

"It's Inks fault, not yours. After all, you're only guilty if you wanted to, and Error Karma isn't a bitch but fate is, She just chose the most broken skeleton out there and hoped for the best, Your an amazing person never forget that" He said. He rubbed my bag soothingly as I cried into his chest. My cries turned to sobs and then whines.

"Better?" He asked I nodded.

"Is there anything you want right now?" He asked

"Cookies," I said as he went to get some.

Long chap hopes u prod

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