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I opened a portal to a place I never thought I would visit. My AU. I just entered and someone was already trying to kill me. Well, What could I expect of cannibalistic insane suicidal monsters. I let them hurt me and do whatever they want to do. to be honest I felt like they own me sufferings for forgetting them. I felt something. The feeling was nice and warm. I felt a nice warmth slowly fade but I also felt a tug in my soul. I followed the feelings inside of me. I walked slowly towards the thing that gave me this weird feeling until. I saw the thing giving me this feeling. The heart of this AU. The heart of my AU. The monsters of my AU Crawled away from it. I walked closer to the giant crystal. It was just as shattered as my soul. I gently laid my hand on the warm surface of the crystal.

"What happened to you?" I asked worriedly. My head fell down until my forehead was on the crystal.

"This may be a lot to ask for but I need your help, The whole multiverse is in danger," I said thinking about m what Ink did. I had this weird feeling that The crystal could see what I was thinking.

"In return, I'll stop the resets and make everyone sane again. Will you help me?" I asked full of hope. 

"Yes dear, but You shouldn't ask me but them. I can't do anything as long as I'm shattered, however, I will help you remember how to use your special abilities dear." They answered. I looked at them.

"What Abilities?" I asked. And suddenly I got A flashback

Suprise Flashback. (not really)

"Papa why does everyone have their own magic but I don't have any?" I asked my real father. W.D Gaster.

"You do have magic but we just need to find out what it is Okay Sweets?" He asked I nodded and took his hand before I felt something in my hand. Papa could feel it too as he looked at me.

"Could you feel that Sweets?" Papa asked. I nodded. He used his magic and made strings his special ability. His strings were red. I felt a weird feeling in my hands it's kinda itchy. I looked I moved my hands in front of my face. They kept on feeling weird.

"What is it, Sweets?" Papa asked. 

"My hands are itchy," I said. before suddenly blue string came from them. I fell backward in surprised. Papa just looked at me.

"That's unexpected. Come, Sans, I need to test something," Papa said taking my hand. The strings disappeared.

Countless tests later.

"Impressive it's like you fully copied my ability," Papa said. He sounded proud of me. I smiled at him.

"I need to test one more thing before we stop, Papyrus Can you come here for a bit?" Papa called. Papyrus walked in and looked at Papa.

"We may have found you're sisters Ability but I just need to be sure, Sans you know what to do," Papa said. I nodded Papyrus looked scared. I walked over to him and took his hand.

"Don't worry Papy it doesn't hurt," I smiled at him. we both felt that weird feeling and I suddenly had his healing abilities. 

"What ability do you have Sans?" Papy asked.

"It seems like your sister has the ability to copy others abilities," Papa said with a proud smile.

End of Flashback.

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