Peter With ADHD

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WARNING- I do not have ADHD so I might not get everything right but I do know some people with it, though I don't know how it feels to have it. Second, this has not been edited only for spell check and that's it so sorry.

This will be three different stories *relating to the picture above* about Peter with ADHD and one of them isn't I just went with it Like I said my description is bad and this was my first story of this oneshot thing please don't be rude to other people on this thank you


Peter sat in class looking at the bluebird that flew by the window. Then he looked at the toddler running around the park in front of the school, with his what looks like a baby sitter near him. But he heard no voices or chatter, only the hearts beating, breathing and the air conditioner that doesn't work at all. (Ya get me?)

He looked to find Mr. Harrington looking directly at Peter. Oh! The whole class was staring too. "Mr. Parker care to join us?" Mr. Harrington's voice had a cold edge to it.

"Oh, um sorry. I didn't pay attention this morning so I didn't notice if I took my attention meds. Also, that equation is wrong, but who knows if I'm right?" Peter shrugged and tapped his fingers on the desk in a fast motion and his foot following in suit bouncing.

The class went in a low whisper as Mr. Harrington looked at the problem on the board and noticed, it was indeed wrong.


Peter or well Spiderman was sitting in an interrogation room with a man in a yellow jumpsuit.

Peter sat down in front of the man and started to talk. Not about his crimes or anything that's preposterous, he was talking about anything and everything.

"So I wonder why your suit is yellow. Like it's not flattering on you, it should be orange like a TV show jumpsuit. Or um a black one cuz ya know orange IS the new black right? Or is it the other way around? Anyways, have you had a churro before it's like amazing and this old lady gave me one once because I gave her directions. oooooooo did you know that" but before Peter could finish the man cut him off.

"ILL TALK JUST GET THIS GUY OUTTA HERE GOD!" He yelled slamming his cuffed fists on the table. A regular interrogator came in and Peter skipped out waving at the man.

"I'll tell them to get you an Orange jumpsuit or maybe even a black one if that's right. Right? Ya. Cya later Mr.Criminal!"

3. (Doesn't fit with ADHD but I went with the picture of Peter looking tired I do know that coffee does the opposite for people with ADHD and as this was my first story it was already short and I decided that it went with the picture)

Peter and Tony were sitting in Tony's lab. Peter looked as though he was going to fall asleep but they were only half way through the project. So Tony had an idea. "Hey, kid you want some coffee?"

"Sure why not?" Tony went to go get coffee and remembered Peters fast metabolism. He went and got the super soldier coffee and came back with two mugs.

He handed Peter a cup and Peter downed it. While working Peter started twitching more than normal. Tony just ignored it until he heard, "REEEEEE!" (This happens in my class so like I'm used to this)

The chair Peter was sitting in fell to the floor and he attached to the ceiling. "Wooaff! Wooaff!" Peter yelled and Tony started to get freaked out.

"Peter get the hell down from the ceiling!" Tony yelled pointing at him.

"UNO REVERSE CARDDDDD!" Peter screeched throwing an uno red reverse card at Tony and bolted out of the room, screeching at the top of his

A/N so the last one is stuff that happens in my class, without coffee but past that, hope you enjoyed this chapter

Signing off, Beanz500

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