British Boi

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Peter got up still tired from his late patrol, he sluggishly walked to the kitchen. "Hey, kid. Tired?" Tony asked drinking his coffee.

"Yeah, I stayed out late for patrol." He said in an English accent.

Tony stopped for a but then just along with Peter's accent. Tony thought it might just be his imagination and being sleep deprived.

But when Steve walked in and Peter gave him a greeting Steve had to ask. "Peter why do you have a British accent?"

"Ohh umm I may have lived in England before queens." Peter explained to Steve before running out to his room, "sorry need to get ready!"

~at school~

Peter walked/ran to his classroom. When he got there the bell rang for the first time. Meaning he wasn't late nor early.

Walking in he took a seat toward the back of the class and soon everyone piled in. Mr. Harrington wasn't the fondest of Peter so when he saw Peter dosing off in the back he called on him. "What is some different types of fossils Parker." (I couldn't think of anythingggg sorry)

"Ummm mold fossils then there is trace fossils like tracks, then cast fossils." When Peter finished the teachers gaze hardened.

"Parker stop imitating a British accent."

Peter had just noticed that he was talking in a British accent, as he was since he was born. "Sorry mister But this is my accent I lost it for a bit. I get it back when I'm really tired."

The teacher glared at him and went along with the lesson.

Peter had an amazing time when he got home too. Clint was teasing him along with Sam who was visiting. Natasha was babying him but he didn't mind that. Bruce didn't care about it. Steve and Bucky were asking him questions about England if he could remember what it was like. Tony was laughing his ass off at Peter as it was funny to Tony.

Signing off, Beanz500

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