A parade

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Peter was swinging around New York when he spotted a big banner on an apartment building. He swung to it and started to read it.

Peter smiled and made a mental note to go and talk to the Avengers about

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Peter smiled and made a mental note to go and talk to the Avengers about

It was June 28 and Peter had gotten the Avengers to agree to come to the parade. Peter was on top of a building and the parade had just started. He made sure the flag on his back was still pinned on then swung down.

He landed next to a little girl with two women holding her hands. "Hello!"

The girl looked up with wistful eyes. "Can I go on your back Mr.Spiderman?"

"Why not THE falcons?" Sam dropped next to Peter.


Peter laughed and pick the girl up putting her on his shoulders. "Thank you." One of the women said.

"No problem, now Sam go back to your place at the end with Uncle Bucky." Peter then trotted ahead waving at everyone lining the streets, of course, people were shocked that there were superheroes but they were happy as well. Tony was flying around in his suit the blaster illuminating a rainbow, he kinda looked like Nyan cat. Aunt Natasha was dancing around in a rainbow tutu. Uncle Steve was throwing his shield up and down, the shield painting the colors pink, purple, and blue. Uncle Clint was with his kids wearing straight allies flag he was smiled and waving. Uncle Thor was holding a hammer that had streamers of pinks and reds plus white, handing off of it. Uncle Bruce was smiling holding a rainbow flag waving it around.

At the center, Wanda, Vision, Sam, and Uncle Bucky were stationed at glitter cannons atop of buildings. Aunt Carol standing in the middle her suit of pinks, reds, and white. Then glitter flew down in all different colors.

Thank you so much for 3668 reads!!! Love you all!!!

Signing off, Beanz500

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