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Tony was tampering with a glowing ball they had found on their latest mission. They were in the living room playing Mario cart or talking. When Tony found that the glowing purple had a red dot he decided to press it because what could go wrong.

Suddenly all the conversations were turned to different languages. "¿¡Que demonios!?" (What the Hell!?)

"Umm tony o que fixeches" Asked Steve (Umm tony what did you do) Tony just shrugged and started to figure out what  languages people spoke.

Natasha was swearing in Russian.

Bruce was muttering in English.

Clint was signing since he had shown signs of hearing loss at a young age.

Wanda was taking in Solvak (I think??? Tell me if I'm wrong.)

Vision was flying around screaming combinations of ones and zeros.

Bucky was talking  in a mix of Gaelic and Russian

Peter and Thor were still talking as if nothing happened. But in both speaking different languages. The others knew that Thor was talking in Norse, but how could the kid understand him?

"Αυτός είναι ακριβώς τόσο συγκεχυμένος θείος Thor. Δεν θέλω να πάω πίσω μισούν αράχνες." Peter said in Greek to Thor. (This is just so confusing Uncle Thor. I don't want to go back they hate spiders.)

In norse thor spoke back "It is okay son of  owls  they will except you."

"Ευχαριστώ τον θείο Θόρ" (Thanks uncle Thor)

Tony then touched the red dot again and everyone started to talk in English again. "Kid what Language was that?"


"Really prove it say something to Nat." Tony pointed at Natasha.

"Pater is est quem paranoid sicut scitis natura matertera petunia" He said in fluent Latin. (Dad is so paranoid like who know Aunt Nat) Nat gave out a laugh and nodded to Tony.

Then Peter said. "Now I have homework to do bye." Peter turned around and pulled out a golden coin leaving most of the Avengers confused.

Will be a part two. If you understand why Pete was speaking in Latin and Greek you are amazing. Anyway hope you liked it.

Signing off, Beanz500

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