Yeah, Field Trips Suck 【 Pt. 3 】

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Peter stood staring as Annabeth ran out of the lab. Everyone went around going back to what they were doing. But then Peter heard the vents rattle a bit. He rolled his eyes and started to walk to the next intern motioning for him. Then the vent gate fell, and someone fell with it.

Before Peter even turned around, he knew it was Clint. "Peter! Help me, Natasha is chasing me!" Clint then latched onto Peter, and soon enough, the door slammed open. It was Natasha, the class was shocked, and the workers were going about their day.

"CliNT!" Peter looked at Natasha and saw that her hair was bright pink. Natasha started to pull out her knives when Peter tried to get a handle of the situation.

Peter held his hand out at Natasha, "Тетя нат, why are you chasing Дядя клинт."

Natasha stepped forward a bit, "Убирайся с пути, маленький паук. Он положил розовый краситель в мои волосы." (Get out of the way, little spider. He put a pink dye in my hair.)

Peter put his hands up, "well, Clint, your dead."

"It was supposed to be Sam's!" Clint screamed and jumped back into the vent.

Natasha waved at Peter, giving him a smiled and jumped up into the open vent.

A girl in his class raised her hand, and Peter nodded as if he was saying go ahead. "Do they do that a lot?"

"Well if they are in the middle of prank wars yes, no one dares to prank Ms.Romanoff. However, Sam and Her share the same brand of shampoo. Don't know how Clint messed it up but who knows." Peter explained, "we will have to go to lunch right now, the intern leading us will meet us there."

Peter then led everyone to the elevator and told FRIDAY to go to level 14. While in the elevator, FRIDAY got a message for him. "Peter you have received a message from Kenna do you want to hear it. Be aware it has classified information."

"Play it but bleep the classified stuff. Then text me the original message." Peter said.

Then a girls voice filled the elevator. "Because you did not kindly answer me I'm gonna embarrass the hell out of you *bleep* the mighty *bleep* will never give you mercy. Have fun being embarrassed in front of your class *bleep*."

Peter shook his head, and his class stood still and silent, trying to figure out the classified stuff.

The doors of the elevator opened, and the class flooded out and started towards some tables. "Guys over here." Peter then led then to a small area, big enough to fit the class, though.

Peter sat down with Ned and MJ. He laid his head on his arms. "Do you want any of my food, Pete?" Ned asked.

"No, I'm fine, really. I'm just thinking about how Kenna will embarrass me." Peter said, bringing his head up.

"Well, at least it will be fun for us," MJ said without looking up from her book.

Peter felt his spidey sense tingle he knew it was Flash or Kenna. Soon there was a lightsaber on his neck, "Hey, dork, look at what Shuri gave me."

"Hi, Kenna." He turned to the black-haired girl and smiled.

"Hey, Parker?" Kenna had a twinge of questioning as she didn't know him when he was just Parker and not Stark.

He gave her a slight nod and grabbed the lightsaber and closed where the light was emitting from. "Why are you here, Strange?"

"I'm your guide." She smiled before pointing behind her, "So is Percy. He is just saying hi to the fish."

Signing off, Beanz500

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