I may have gotten shot...but ya know

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Peter was making his way (downtown) to school when he heard a scream. Making his way into an alleyway he his suit form over him using nanotech.

He quickly swung to where the screams were heard. When Peter got there he saw a women being held at gun point. "Give me your damn money before I shoot!" The man said.

"Ya know that's not that nice to do to a lady or anyone for one." Peter smiled leaning on a wall. The man quickly turned around and shot. Sure Peters spidey sense went off but he chooses to ignore it. By doing that  Peter got shot in the shoulder. Luckily it when in then out so he didn't have to pull it out, but he was gushing lblood. Eh.

b rPeter quickly webbed up the gun making it fly towards him. Then he webbed the man up, he turned to the women and gave her the address of the nearest police station. Peter jumped into an empty alleyway and got dress and bandaged his wound.

He quickly made it to class just as the late bell rang. Peter took his seat in the back with Ned.

~during class~

"Oh my god! Peter you're bleeding from your shoulder! Head to the nurse straight away." The teacher interrupted class. Peter looked down and he was in fact bleeding out from the gunshot wound.

"It's fine mrs.walker."

"No it's not!"

Peter started to pull out the emergency kit from his bag. "Since you say so." He took out the kit and placed it on the desk.

The class stared as Peter shrugged off his flannel and pulled up the short sleeve. There was an irritated gunshot wound and Peter pulled out a needle and three and started to patch it up. Soon as he was finished the class was due to leave.

No one ever found out why Peter had a gunshot wound until many years later when he was heard on TV all across the world saying three words. "I am Spider-Man."

Signing off, Beanz500

Peter Parker, Spiderman One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now