Peters questionable essays

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this is my 50 part in this book encluding A/N's so here are my questionable takes on these essays.

Peter liked to get his essays checked by people, whether it be the local librarian or aunt may. But he was in his last year in school and was done with everything and decided to fuck with everyone. 

First, in his animal science class, they needed to write a letter to a person on why they have to take better care of their animals. Since it was his first stupid essay/letter, he decided to write an 800-word letter to Santa Claus on how he should treat his reindeer better.

Here is a part of that letter.

Dear Mr. Santa Claus.

I think you should start treating your reindeer better as it is not an excellent example for children. As you have them fly around for 24/7 hours with barely a rest stop. Some kids don't even give them food, and I don't hear any stories on how you give some of your cookies to your reindeer, so they keep their energy up. Plus carrying a 350-pound man around the world to give kids presents and they probably waste all their energy on pulling you everywhere.

May was the one to look it over this time and she knew that Peter was practically done with school because he had learned all of the material. He could've been in college last year but he opted for full high school experience. She fixed his few grammar mistakes and gave him little ideas but thought it was good.

On his final grade for that essay was 102% because he exceeded the word limit. Later on, he had to create a persuasive essay about Hamlet. He decided to do it on how Hamlet was very poor-sighted. He gave a lot of examples/evidence and it was about two pages long, front and back.

For his las essay, it was college applications. You had to write a letter to someone who changed your life. Peter decided the monster under the bed was the perfect person. One day he walked into Tony's lab. "Hey Mr.stark can you revise my letter, it supposed to be about someone who changed our lives."

"Sure just know I didn't major in English, so it won't be the best revision." Peter smiled and handed him the letter before leaving the room to brush up on Russian and start Latin with Natasha.

Tony was confused but just shrugged it off, he was tired and wanted to get it done. So when he finished he just nodded as Peter said: "thank you, Anthony." It wasn't until the next day Tony realized Peter called him something other than Mr.Stark.

Anyways Peter got into every college and decided to go to M.I.T in the end. Peter then decided it was time to fuck with everyone for the rest of his life because it was funny.

Ok so I wanted this posted on the 14th since it was my birthday and the 50th part but ya know how that went. But anyways I hope you liked this have a good night/day and just so yall know I'm in hell rn so updates might be late but I have several planned right now so yeah.

Signing off, Beanz500

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