Halloween Special: Ouija Board

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Do not read if you are easily scared and a character taken from Crypt TV, hope you like it - Beanz500 

10-30-2019 School-Peter

It was Wednesday of the tenth month of the 2019 year. Peter was talking with Ned about what they were doing for Halloween night. They decided just to hang out at the tower and just do random things, maybe steal some candy from the other floors. MJ was also going to come, but later on, Shuri was visiting, so she would join, and Loki would go too. 

It was Halloween spirit day that means they can dress up in costumes or what they are going to wear on Halloween. Most of the teens were wearing PJs as their costumes contained blood/gore; Peter and Ned were among this group. MJ just wore what she usually wore, but that doesn't relate to the story. That much.

Anyway, at the very moment, it was lunch, and the three were talking about the next night. "How about we watch a horror movie or something," Peter suggested eating his apple.

Ned smiled. "Sure sounds like a good idea, but we should do something else too."

"An ouija board duh." MJ deadpanned, still looking at her book.

Peter and Ned looked at her before grinning at each other. "Yes! Do you have one MJ, Ned?" Peter asked, looking at his best friends.


"no, but I bet Loki does if not just ask him to conjure it up or something." MJ closed her book as the bell rang, and the trio nodded at each other before heading to their next classes.

10-31-19 Morning-Shuri

Shuri had landed just as Peter was supposed to be at school and in homeroom. But the night before, they had a video call about what they would do. So at the moment, she was finding out what the avengers were doing and see what floor they could use. 

When she was in her room planned out the floors, she heard 6 knocks on her door. She stood up to check who it was, so when she opened the door to find no one, she shrugged probably Clint or something. Finally, she concluded that the 66 floor was free and it has a movie theatre in it so it would work well. 

Shuri ran to the elevator, and it flew down to the 66th floor, and she ran in. She found cabinets filled with just movie names and times of the season. She found the one labeled 'Halloween' and looked through the movies. She decided on 'Ouija.' She thought it was fit to choose the film and notified FRIDAY, "FRIDAY make sure to remind us to watch Ouija tonight!"

"Okay, Ms.Shuri, I will notify you," FRIDAY said to Shuri. Shuri decided to start decorating by flinging streamers around the place and blowing up balloons, some being filled with helium and allowed to float to the floor.

Then Shuri pulled out the popcorn machine and put out all the things needed to make it. Then some bowls of candy and bads of chips and pretzels. She then grabbed thousands (more like 25) of blankets and pillows before brushing her hands off and heading out the door to the elevator.

10-31-19 9:00 Peter

Peter was sitting with Ned, Mj, Loki, and Shuri. They were sitting in a circle with a board in the middle. They had lit candles around the board, and all looked at each other before nodding. They started to push the planchette in a circle, "Are there any spirits who would like to talk to us."

Then the planchette moved to the yes slowly. "Shit....." Peter whispered. "Are you from the underground?"

The planchette moved to the no. "Ok, how about the sky?" It circled the no. "Then, where are you from?" 

m-i-d-d-l-e "What does that mean?" i-a-m-b-o-t-h 

The candles flickered a bit. "What is your name?" MJ asked, cutting off Peter k-n-n-j-r-d-d, "That's not a name."

p-l-u-s-1 "Look see?" Shuri asked.

The planchette threw itself at the yes. The candles flickered again. "I think we should say goodbye...." Ned said. It then threw itself at no. 

Loki was about to stand up before it circled the no 13 times. The candles blew out and they could hear a voice, "Hello...."

5 papers fall on the board all with the same words 'If you can not release then it will come to take a piece.' 

A long-fingered gloved hand grabs Ned's shoulder and pulled him back.

Did you like it? I know it was late and all. 

Signing off, Beanz500

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