Yeah, field trips suck 【Pt. 1】

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Peter Parker-Stark was having a fun time! Not...... Imagine going to your house for a field trip, and almost everyone thinks your lying about said place. Peter sat on the generic yellow school bus beside his best friend, Ned Leeds.

"This is going to be so cool! I can't wait." Ned smiled brightly bring peter out of his daze.

Peter felt his head tingle but chose to ignore it. Peter couldn't blame Ned for being excited; he hadn't ever been to Avenger's Tower. "Eh I've been everywhere in the tower but" Peter was cut off by a paper ball hitting his head.

"PUNY PARKER ready for your lie to catch up to you?!" Flash yelled behind him. Peter looked out the window and saw the tower in all its glory.

Everyone looked out the window in awe except for Peter, of course. The class walked into the tower, chattering about what they might do. Ms. Moore stepped up to the receptionist desk, saying that they are here for a tour. Then she came back smiling, "Okay class they will be sending in a tour guide please wait quietly. As you are waiting, I will hand out the key cards. These help you access the tower. You will get a level one, and you will always need to be with a higher up to get places."

Then a woman with curly blonde hair came over. Peter had seen her and helped her once or twice before, he knew because of her intense gray calculating eyes. "Hello, I'm Annabeth Chase. I will be your tour guide for half of this tour. Another tour guide will guide the other half as I take my leave."

We started to go through the scanners before someone went in, she would ask their name then to give them a badge. But when Peter walked up, she smiled. "Hey Peter, use your badge. Happy wouldn't be too well, Happy."

Peter nodded knowing that every employee must have their badge on them and couldn't be given another unless an explosion in the labs and or a villain had broken it. He walked through, and FRIDAY's voice rang out. "Hello Peter, the boss would like you in his labs once you have a moment to spare. Also, Natasha wants to train with you before you go to Boss's lab. Then Kenna wishes to see you before going with her dad for a month or two."

Annabeth then went through the scanner to get an alert. "Miss. Chase, your boyfriend, is in the aquarium instead of working once again do you wish to send a message."

Annabeth rolled her eyes "just the usual hologram projection of the face."

"It has been sent."

Signing off, Beanz500

Peter Parker, Spiderman One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now